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I sat up from a soft, comfortable mattress. I was actually not on the stone cold floor right now, and that's what you call character development.

It was obvious, I wasn't in my own house, nor was I in my own room. Matter of fact, I was in Jay's room, tucked into his bed.

The shock didn't hit me quite yet, infact, everything for me was slow, especially when I first wake up. My mind was blank and I hadn't settled in the fact that I was in this guy's house again, and this time, in his actual bed.

I wonder if he slept here too, or elsewhere.

Either option - I don't think I would've cared.

I sat up, casually looking around and observing his room as if I hadn't been here before. It felt too natural for me to just be here, sleep in his room, maybe even with him.

I don't know, I just didn't feel as freaked out as I probably should have.

With that, I stood up, heading out of his room and towards the downstairs, maybe he was home, maybe he wasn't. But judging from the silence, I doubt that he'd be here.

I walked around his palace ass house, looking around walls and pillars and huge antique paintings and silly little intricate designs and decorations that were probably worth my place alone.

I head into the kitchen, seeing a figure pass by in the kitchen.

"Oh, you're up." Jay turned around with a light smile, pretty happy to see that I was up, "I thought you died, you normally sleep for that long?"

I shrugged, looking at my phone and checking the time. Damn, he was right, I slept for so damn long.

"I feel like I've just come out of hibernation." I yawned, leaning on the island as he intently stared at me, sparkles coming from his eyes. He looked at me, a gaze of admiration and just pure awe, I don't know, something about his face seemed as if he didn't hate me one single bit.

The curve of his pink lips, forming into a smile reinforced that theory further.

"You look like it too." He chuckled, breaking this really sentimental moment or whatever just happened between us.

"Man, I would argue back, but you know what, I'm not even in the mood." I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I leant on the island.

"Hey, also, my father wants to see you again. Hyun-bin is gonna be there too." Jay suddenly mentioned, and I glanced over at him, furrowing my brows.

"When? And where? And what is it?" As much as I didn't want to go or do anything that regarded his parents or Hyun-bin's family for that matter, a contract is a contract, and I agreed to do whatever was stated on there.

Besides, I didn't have long left to continue with this, soon enough, the three month mark should close up.

"Ehh, around next week? It's a birthday celebration for my mother, it's a pretty big event. Restaurant, ball, you know all that stuff." Jay briefly gave me an overview what to expect, and I just rubbed my face with a large sigh.

Damn, not another formal event.

"That sounds so privileged coming from you - a ball? Since when do we live in a fairytale?" I scoffed, rolling my eyes at his words as he gave a smile.

"Don't complain, I can see it in your eyes that you wanna go." Jay spoke, and I furrowed my brows.

"Your reading is wrong, so wrong." I gave a huff, as if I'd want to go.



The day I dread the most gradually came closer and closer, up until I was waiting for Jay to come and pick me up, in a formal gown and glammed up once again.

I never would've expected myself to actually need to buy things or dress myself up in such a way, ever. But I suppose life can take unexpected turns.

Jay's car pulled up, on the sidewalk, rolling the window down as he looked at me, walking towards him.

He hurriedly got out, standing outside of his car and opening the door for me. I looked at him, giving a scoff and rolling my eyes.

"You know I can open the door myself." I gave a light chuckle, and he just pressed his lips together, unamused.

"Damn, you're hard to please." He suddenly shut the door before I got in, watching my expression.

I looked over at him, a slight furrow in my brows. Literally what was the need in doing that?

"You just make everything difficult, don't you?" I gave a 'pfft', opening the door for myself and sitting inside. Before I shut the door, Jay held onto it, looking down at me, silently admiring my entire outfit and appearance.

"You're the one making everything difficult, not budging at all." Were his words before he shut the door, heading to the other side.

I was being difficult? How was I being difficult.

And what the hell did he mean by 'not budging at all'?

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