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I walked over to the table alone, eyes from the table scattering up to me. I looked at the people on the table, and oh my god, it was most of my highschool class, just sat here together.

"Lee Sarang? Is that really you?" Eunhye stood up, eyes widening as she hugged me tightly, a smile slapped across her face.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you are getting married to Seokhoon, girl? How long has it been??" I smiled as I handed her a gift, she took it and sat me down to a seat next to her.

"It's been so long, so many years, what the hell, you look so fucking gorgeous!" She grinned, everybody was staring at me.

I felt a little flustered, giving her a huge smile and laughing. I looked around the table, there was seriously everybody here, they had all changed so much.

And then one person caught my attention, staring directly at me, with such an assertive look.

Of course he had to be here, it wouldn't be any other way without this guy. Park Jongseong.

We made a brief second of eye contact, my smile fading as I saw him. I looked away from him, diverting my attention to the questions coming from people left and right.

"What do you do now Sarang? Do you model by any chance? Or maybe you do something super lavish." One of the girls asked.

"I'm a surgeon now, don't act all surprised, you most definitely saw it coming." I giggled as they all gasped, widening their eyes and dropping their mouths.

"Surgeon? Whaat? So we have two surgeons on this table now." Shin-hye, my old best friend, widened her eyes.

I furrowed my brows, confused as to who else would be a surgeon.

"Who.. else is.." I looked around, and there could only be one guy, which was the one sat directly opposite me, his head slightly tilted to the side, a smug look on his face and his arms folded.

"Me." Jay spoke, his voice was assertive and straightforward.

I rolled my eyes, not even wanting to bother with this guy. Why the hell did they have to invite him.

Though, I had to say, he really grew out his looks. He used to have such a cute round face in highschool, that bowl cut of his, and his sweet eyes, but now? Whew, if I called him a fuckboy in university, he must be the ultimate fuckboy nowadays.

His jawline was intricately carved, and his nose upright and sharp, don't even get me started on his observant eyes, they were alluring, but then at the same time cold.

His hair was blonde now, and no longer did he have that cute bowl cut, instead he had it styled - and forgive me for even thinking this, but if he wasn't Jay, I would definitely smash.

"Any boyfriends? How many, let me guess, three?" Shin-hye giggled as all eyes were on me, I daintily tucked a strand of hair behind my ears, feeling flattered that they thought I had such a fun and lavish life.

"Actually.. none." I chuckled, which seemed to give even a bigger reaction. A few of them choked on their drinks, and on thin air, in disbelief that I still wasn't taken.

"What?! No boyfriend still? Girl.." Shin-hye was astounded, "What the hell have you been doing all these years?! You haven't been using your beauty well enough!"

"I've been working Shin-hye, to get to where I am now. You know, not everybody was born with a golden spoon in their mouth." I glared at Jay, giving a dig at him. He let out a muffled scoff, rolling his eyes and taking a sip of his drink.

"To be honest, Jay doesn't have a girlfriend too, so we can't really attack Sarang." Seokhoon interject, a few people nodded in agreeal.

"Yeah, but the difference between me and her is that I've actually had girlfriends, I guarantee you that Sarang has had no relationships at all." Jay finally spoke, and I just glared at him, he had a satisfied smirk on his face, clearly pleased with his little comment.

"And it looks like none of your relationships even worked out, so what's the real difference between me and you? We're both single, are we not?" I raised a brow, deciding to be petty and talk back.

There was no way I was going to let this guy disrespect me like that. Jay gave a scoff, unable to say anything back to that, he took another sip of his drink, just staring at me coldly.

"Alright alright guys, relax, we're all adults now. Let's raise a toast to the everlasting couple, Seokhoon and Eunhye!!" Yoonah raised her glass, tapping it with a spoon.

I lift my glass up with champagne, clinking it with the rest, and then taking a sip of the liquid. God, his face alone infuriated me.

I would always hate this guy, no matter how long it's been.

park.jongseong → the girlfriend actWhere stories live. Discover now