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I had no idea what was going on, I'm pretty sure I rinsed Eunhye's stock of alcohol and any liquor on her shelf.

Sorry, I don't know what took over me.

Anyways, I head away from the rest of the group after Jay had went to pick up a phone call. He seemed to leave in a bit of a hurry, so, without having anyone to bother - it was pretty boring.

I decided to go on a little walk, seeing around Eunhye's house.

The wedding date was closing by pretty quickly - and it honestly baffled me how they gave out invitations with such short notice.

But each to their own.

I walked around, she seemed to be living pretty well in this cute house of hers. Thankfully, it wasn't as obnoxiously big as Jay's or his parent's house.

As I walked around, a familiar voice peered from a room. It was none other than Jay, seemingly getting annoyed with whoever was on the other end of the phone.

"How many times, do I need to tell you, that I am not going to. I'm not a child, I'm a full grown adult with adult responsibilities." He was pissed to say the least, "I make my own choices now."

I didn't look into the room where he was, but I could just sense the annoyance and the frustration simply through the tone of his voice, his words had a callous edge to them.

"You don't have a problem with her? She saved your life, and you're telling me to choose Hyojin? Jesus." He gave an exasperated huff, and although my bloodstreams were flowing with 90% alcohol and 10% blood, I still managed to decipher what this conversation was about.

Yup, Jay's father clearly wanted him to choose Hyojin.

Damn, rich people really do stick to each other only.

I gave a light sigh, feeling a little irritated on how these people were blatantly insulting me left and right solely because I'm not from a conglomerate family.

Whatever, It's not my problem anyways - this is a fake contract after all.

"I don't want to speak to you anymore. Goodbye." And he abruptly ended the call at that, giving a large sigh.

I hurried forward, walking away from the door and as if I wasn't just eavesdropping on his conversation. It looked natural, or at least I thought it did.

He stepped out of the room as I was slowly walking through the corridor, away from the room he was in.

"Sarang!" His voice called out for my name, and I spun around, a little shaky in my stance as I looked at him, my heart beating fast.

Please tell me he didn't catch me out.

He approached me, the expression on his face was still cold, though, he tried to soften it at seeing me.

"What now." I rolled my eyes, hiccuping afterwards.

He gave a brief chuckle, followed with a light sigh.

"Where are you headed?" He inquired, examining my face a little too deeply.

I was unsure whether it was the alcohol that made me feel a bit timid, or whether it was the fact that Jay was staring straight directly at my face. It made me want to turn around and dramatically run off either way.

"Walking around, why do you care where I'm going?" I raised a brow, a smirk crossing my face as he rolled his eyes, giving a groan.

"Oh you're real stubborn." Jay muttered lowly, a chuckle emitting from his lips as he walked by me, heading towards the main room where everyone was sat.

A light smile crossed my face, and I slowly followed behind, heading over back to the couch where some of the girls were sat.

"Here, drink up." Eunhye gave me a bottle of soju, she took one herself. 

I tried to open it, the lid wouldn't budge at all. I tried it with fabric, and it was just solidified on the bottle. I handed it over to Eunhye, maybe my hands were just too slippy.

But no, Eunhye couldn't open it either, and then she passed it to Seokhoon. He tried with his utmost strength, trying to open this damn bottle open.

Oh come on, why was this bottle refusing to open.

The bottle was handed back to me, and Jay approached me, grabbing the bottle out of my hands.

I looked up at him as he stood in front of me, letting out a chuckle.

"Look, he thinks he's the chosen one." I gave a short laugh as he unscrewed the bottle successfully, it looked like he didn't even try.

My face dropped as he had the most narcissistic, sly, know-it-all, conceited, vein - all of the synonyms of self-centred - grin in the world.

"I believe I am." He gave a wink towards me as I raised my hand to take the bottle, but instead of handing it to me, he gave it to Go-eun.

I clenched my teeth, staring at him with pure irritance. Was he being serious?

"You're fucking annoying, that's what you are." I scoffed, alcohol-less and salty at him.

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