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I decided to not even reply to that, instead, I put my phone into one of the compartments in my car, and entering his address into the navigation in my car.

It was another pretty long drive, but clearly I had nothing better to do, I may as well get this done and over with so I wouldn't need to face him again.

I'm doing this solely for the sake of myself.

I huffed, before starting the car and following the navigation, hopefully it wouldn't lead me to an abandoned cave where he'd kidnap me and kill me.

It's something he'd probably do, he holds grudges for as long as I do, and I know he's still not over that time I beat all of his grades in school. Pfft, I bet he cries himself to sleep over it.


I pulled into a very secluded area of houses, they look like they were specifically built. As in, the owners designed the houses and then built them.

They were massive mansions, enclosed in huge brick gates and walls. What the hell was the need for this? He really couldn't live a humble life?

Whatever, each to their own I suppose.

I parked up beside the curb, outside the gate of his house. I was pretty sure that his house was the biggest one on the plot, it had acres of land, and the house was actually insanely big.

Surely he would be lonely in such a big place? Or no, he's weird like that anyways.

I grabbed my phone, tapping onto his contact and making that dreadful text to him.

sarang: open your fucking gates bill gates

It didn't take him long to reply.

jay: tf are you talking about

sarang: im outside your goddamn palace thats what im talking about

sarang: open them if you want that shitty blazer

jay: are you being serious rn

sarang: oh my god are you going to open the gates or not

After that message, the gates suddenly opened, I pulled into his driveway, his driveway had a driveway, like, how much more luxurious could it get?

I finally got to the front of his house, parking directly in front of his garage, which I assumed hosted his seventeen thousand cars.

I stepped outside, grabbing the bag in annoyance and approaching the front of his house. He opened the door before I could even step on his front porch.

He seemed stunned to see me here, and in this outfit too. He looked me up and down, and then his eyes fixated onto my badge.

"Didn't even have time to change from your work clothes you were that desperate to see me?" Jay raised a brow, a smug grin across his face as I passed him the bag with his blazer in it.

"You were the desperate one, texting me every single fucking day about this ugly ass blazer. It's crazy that it's $500 for such an ugly thing, what a waste of money." For some reason I just began spewing out insults.

"Uh, actually, it's fine italian silk, handcrafted and stitched too, so that's why the price is like that." He sounded like an absolute stuck-up nerd, I just glared at him.

"Alright, well, take your 'fine italian silk, handcrafter and stitched' blazer, and leave me alone." I mocked the way he described the blazer, before turning around and about to walk off.

"Of course, whatever you say, sweetheart." Jay couldn't just let me go in peace, he had to use that nickname he KNEW irritated me.

I turned back around, staring at him for a good few seconds, we gazed at each other, neither of us breaking the eye contact. But, I decided I wouldn't retaliate, I wouldn't retort back to him or insult that shitty handcrafted blazer of his.

"Bye fuckboy." Was the last thing I said before unlocking my car and hopping back inside it, desperate to get the hell out of here as soon as possible.

I could see him watching me leave through the side mirrors, just leant casually against one of his pillars, watching my car drive further and further away from his place.

Seriously though, who would need such a big house for a singular person, even my place is enough for me, and my house is probably a sixth of his place.

Agitated from his irritating face, voice and attitude, I drove the rest of the way back home angrily, god, how is it possible for someone to still be the same annoying idiot from years ago.

And to think that I even had a period of time in highschool where I actually liked that guy.

I shuddered, just thinking about fifteen year old me, actually thinking he was kind of cute and that I wouldn't mind his attention.

Looking back to now, clearly, something was wrong with me back then, there's no way I'd get with him even if he offered me money.

Not at all.

park.jongseong → the girlfriend actWhere stories live. Discover now