Chapter 1

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As Jayfeather's tail tip twitched irritatingly, Leafpool winced. Jessy's kits' were incessantly making noise. Their mews squealed through the medicine den, frantically crying out for their mother, and no cat had figured out what to do with them. 

Their noise was definitely beginning to interrupt the work of the medicine cats. They were especially grating on Jayfeather's nerves. 

"We should give them to Squirrelstar." Jayfeather growled eventually. His blind gaze was locked on the kits and their squirming, noisy disruption. 

"I can't hear my own thoughts over them, and she's the only cat with milk now."

This was exactly what Leafpool was afraid would happen. She knew her sister was still recovering, and she was worried how two more kits would affect her recovery. 

"Squirrelstar's already feeding four kits." Leafpool mewed. "We should try giving them fresh-kill again."

"They need milk, Leafpool!" Jayfeather snapped. "I know it is hard for you to burden Squirrelstar with more kits, but that is the only option. If you can't take them to her-"

Leafpool sighed, defeated. She knew her stubborn son was right.

 "It's alright. I'll take them to Squirrelstar and see if she can take care of them. I just feel so guilty doing this. I wish there was another way."

Jayfeather rolled his eyes. "Well, there is none. The sooner we get them out of here, the better off they will be. I'll make sure you do it." 

He grunted frustratedly. Narrowing his glassy, blue eyes, he marched towards the brown kit, picking her up by the scruff and proceeding to the opening of the den. 

 The small she-kit let out a loud squeal and waved her paws around impatiently, smacking one into Jayfeather's face. He hissed in annoyance. 

"Kits aren't suppose to be in a medicine den!"

Leafpool gathered the golden tom, her tail drooping with guilt, not sure whether to feel bad for Squirrelstar, Jayfeather, or both of them. She knew she was doing the right thing, but a feeling of guilt tugged at her heart.

As they padded across the camp, Thornclaw, Dustpelt, and Breezepelt fumed with hostility towards the kits.  Their feelings of disgust and rage were obvious. Tigerstar's eyes were locked on the kits, watching Leafpool and Jayfeather's every step. 

Leafpool shuddered, a chill running down her back from the stillness in the air. She had the sudden urge to move directly to the nursery much faster. But she paused. 

A thoughtful murmuring distracted her, and as she turned towards the sound, she noticed Brambleclaw hunched over by himself. 

He was sitting at the edge of the clearing, his amber eyes glazed as he stared off into the distance. He was murmuring and muttering to himself, seeming to have a dialogue. His fur was matted, and he didn't notice anything or anyone around him. All he could be heard saying was  "Jessy...maybe at the Great Oak...or the Island...Jessy..."

"Brambleclaw," Leafpool stopped in front of him. She managed to speak through the fluffy scruff of the kit she was carrying. "Do you want to name the kits yet? I will be taking them to the nursery now."

"Jessy..." Brambleclaw mumbled. His gaze never left the marshes ahead of him. "She could be in WindClan territory. I must find her."

"Brambleclaw," Leafpool repeated. Her patience was beginning to wear.

"We're wasting time. I don't even think he can hear what you are saying." Jayfeather rolled his eyes. "Let's go to the nursery."

Leafpool stared probingly at Brambleclaw for a few more seconds, then sighed and followed after Jayfeather. She felt so bad for the kits. Brambleclaw was their only surviving family. But he obviously was barely surviving, hardly eating, and living in a world that only revolved around Jessy. She shook her head again as they padded to the nursery.

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