Chapter 12

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Coalkit bounced through the camp happily, swerving between the cats and accidentally stepping on a few paws and tails. He stopped apprehensively to hide behind a bush, just as a group of marching warriors padded past him for patrol. Coalkit's eyes were filled with excitement as he scanned the area.

Now's my chance!

The cats in the camp were too preoccupied, and there were too many of them to notice the small kit among them. They bustled about with fresh kill in their jaws and conversed loudly with one another. Coalkit maneuvered through the narrow spaces between their legs, moving quickly and efficiently. A great sense of pride warmed him as he got past the numerous cats. 

Not a single warrior noticed me, he thought smugly.

Pawing his way out of the thornbush, the small kit shook a few leaves from his pelt in annoyance. He slid through the camp exit finally, glancing fugitively over his shoulder for one last time. His bushy tail was thrusted in the air with suspense, and his ears were pricked up eagerly.

If I can catch something while I'm gone, then I might get to be an apprentice early!

When he left the camp, he pushed his fluffy, dark grey tail low to the ground, creeping cautiously.  He attempted to move as stealthily as possible, as his eyes searched the marshes around him.

Scenting the air, his bright amber eyes widened then blinked. The greenery around him was superfluous, like dots among dots, literally indistinguishable. 

Tall, bare branches gnarled upwards like thorns reaching for the sky.  There was something about the way they looked-  so complicated and intricate. Coalkit felt scared of what could be hiding inside their twisty mazes, and he suddenly moved faster to get past them.

Gold tinted leaves glittered, dangling downwards towards the little tom. They were enchanting to him. He had to use all his effort to resist grabbing each one.  Determined to stay focused,  he didn't want to bring attention to himself.

Like a warrior.  Coalkit beamed at the idea proudly, thinking of how the Clans would be amazed by him when he returned. 

I'll bring the biggest piece of prey back, then Acornkit will stop teasing me for once. 

His paw-steps turned as he began to follow the direction of the patrol. Sniffing the air with enjoyment, he traced their scent trail upwards towards a clearing sprinkled with dew bushes and lined with a few oak trees. Coalkit sank his claws into the warm moss, his mind racing with exhilaration. 

If I can show the patrol I managed to take care of myself, and come all the way out here, they might let me join them. I'll be like a real warrior!

Coalkit wasn't afraid of being caught anymore. Instead he was thinking of his victorious escape and successful venture, while puffing his chest out proudly. 

A quick movement grabbed his attention. He turned to stare in the direction of it. Very slightly, the bushes in front of the tom began to tremble, and Coalkit had to do everything in his power to stay still. His paws began to tickle eagerly, eyeing the bush with anticipation. Soon, one of the warriors on patrol would come out and see him, so he could finally prove himself to all the cats. 

To Coalkit's disappointment, the trembling bush had no warrior behind it. Its shaking became violent, but no cat came out of it. Coalkit began to sense that something was wrong. Whatever was inside the bush, it wasn't coming out.

The leaves shook weakly and fell like puddles, layer upon layer. Coalkit looked closer with curiosity, but his heart pounded uneasily. He pushed the fear aside; he didn't want to be fearful of the unknown. 

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