Chapter 3

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"Any news yet?" Sandstorm's pale, sandy-colored pelt moved through the crowd of cats in the middle of the camp as she steered towards Crowstar.

Crowstar didn't respond to her. As Sandstorm continued to push her way through the cats, she realized that the black tom was troubled. His expression was disturbed while he gazed into the territory around him. 

"Have you found out anything during the last few patrols?" Sandstorm's green eyes were lit up with hope, but as she looked upon Crowstar, her tail continued to drop lower. The WindClan leader should no sign of hope, only frustration.

"I can't figure out what happened. None of us can. The days have gone by now, and her scent is completely gone. I have tried wandering past Clan borders, further past the log, but I can't find anything. I don't know why she would go so far from us at a time like this." His eyes were haunting, and Sandstorm looked away from them. Her heart felt heavy as it sunk lower in despair, but she pushed away the idea of giving up.

"I know Leafpool. She would not be away from her Clans unless there was something important."

"That's the problem." Crowstar's eyes became angry. "What if there is nothing important? What if some rogue killed her and hid her body? How can we know that she willingly went anywhere when there is the blood of another cat next to her scent?"

Crowstar stared at Sandstorm as he waited for an answer. 

But Sandstorm couldn't find one. She felt the hopelessness of Crowstar weighing her down like all the rocks and boulders of the forest. 

He always has to think the worst, she mumbled to herself.

"The more time that passes, the less likely it is she will come back." Crowstar spoke the words simply and shortly. "And unfortunately, most of the cats who use to patrol with me believe she is dead now."

"What?" Sandstorm's eyes widened in horror. "How can any cat think she is dead? We didn't even find her body."

Yet as Sandstorm said the words, she could feel the gazes of cats around her looking at her skeptically. There was an uneasy silence as she felt other ears listening in on them. When she glanced around, she saw Leafstar padding closer to her. The SkyClan leader looked very uncomfortable. 

 "I'm afraid Crowstar is right, Sandstorm. You know very well when a cat has been missing for so many days, especially when there is blood found near them-"

"No," Sandstorm shook her head defiantly. 

"We have to let her go, Sandstorm. It has been many days. If it was possible she could come back, she would have already done so." Reedstar's voice was saddened. "Any cat who goes missing as long as she has is usually considered gone or dead. You need to hold a vigil for her and accept the situation. I know that is hard after Firestar's death, but you have to see the facts for what they are. It's been too long, and there's no sign of her."

Sandstorm narrowed her eyes at Reedstar and tilted her head. "Just because she didn't come back doesn't mean she is dead. I will not support a vigil unless there is evidence she is dead. Until then, I will keep searching for her. I don't need RiverClan or SkyClan's help."

Behind her, she could hear paw steps come closer to meet her. When she turned, she let out a long sigh. Tigerstar was marching towards her, his muscles rippling with every movement confidently. His pelt was dark under the clouds, while his eyes were brighter than ever.

"ShadowClan will also stop looking for Leafpool. When a Clan cat has been gone this long, a vigil should be held, and we should move on. We need to focus on the shadow cat."

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