No Rainbows

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Chapter 7

The three lines were the boost I needed to get myself out the door. Husk watched me as I exited the Hotel.

I had a coat on, sunglasses, and I made myself look extra pretty. I knew it would have all been for naught once I got there, but at least if someone spotted me I would look my best.

Valentino had a driver that he would send to pick me up on the way to a shoot. It was one of the only good benefits. If I behaved well, then Val would even let me be driven back. It was rare though. I was tired that day, so I didn't feel like putting up a fight. I really wanted that ride back.

The car was already waiting once I arrived at the front gate. I pulled the door open and sat inside. It had a minifridge for passengers that I always helped myself to. A glass of champagne, actually, the whole bottle. I wanted to finish it before I arrived. And I did.

The tall looming building stretched far over me, sometimes I feared it would fall over and swallow me whole. I strutted inside, paying no mind to the people gawking at me by the enterance. I was not in the mood to entertain them.

I took the lift up to the studio, stepping into the large hall that was heavy in smoke. I could see his back, sitting in the chair with a cigarette in between his fingers. I wanted to avoid him until after going to the dressing room, but with a whisper in his hair, he was alerted of my appearance.

He whipped his head around and grinned upon seeing me, standing up and walking over. 

"Amore, look at you! All dolled up! You must be excited for the shoot. Are you going to behave today?" He grabbed my chin and pulled me close to his face

I didn't look him in the eyes.

He chuckled and let go of my face, commanding me to go get ready.

I got dressed, or well, undressed, and had a stylist mess with my face and hair. She positioned my chest fluff for it to be just the right amount of volume. The chest fluff that everyone thinks are breasts.

Once ready, I made my way back to the set, putting on my face, my persona, my career. 

The first shoot was basic. Young frail feminine boy gets held for ransom, but he manages to pay his way out of captivity with something other than money.

Then, we had the prisoner and prison warden. Prisoner gets punished for misbehavior. A classic.

After two shoots that took around three hours altogether, I was surprisingly still feeling alright. I was giving it my all and I kept my facade plastered on me.

"So, what are we shooting next, huh? Gangbang? Rape? War prisoner? School girl?" I questioned, plopping myself onto the prop bed.

"Wrong! All wrong! Today is all about torture! I hope you're ready! But it's even better if you aren't, because you know how the people love it when you writhel in pain..." Valentino cooed while twiddling his fingers at me.

I shuddered, remembering the first times we shot torture films. Apparently it goes over better if you're actually in pain, not like in most shoots where they prefer if you fake enjoyment since it's obvious it wouldn't actually be pleasuring.

I pulled myself out of my thoughts and asked for the script.

I didn't have any lines, just one under my name that read '-gagged-'.

That made it all the more easier for me. 

Valentino came up to me with a bottle, one that I knew well.

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