Dancer in the Dark

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Chapter 5

Everything he says is funny, every touch on my body feels like fire. My clothes feel too hot and the drink burns like sugary lava. The music booms in my ears as if I had subwoofers pressed to my ears, and everytime he talks to me it sounds like a whisper straight to my brain.

He smiles and kisses my neck, I don't even know his name. It's not like it matters, I'll never see him again. We're talking, but I don't really know what about. He says things to me and I nod, or gasp, or laugh. Whatever matches his facial expression. He's too drunk to even notice I don't hear a thing he's saying.

He squeezes my waist and I let out a moan, and his eyes burn into my body like lasers. He grabs my arm, "Let's go into the bathroom," he says. I know what that means. I let him drag me into the bathroom, all the stalls are occupied. That's never stopped me before. The lack of tongues on my body leaves me in anguish so I grab his shirt and pull him close to me.

As he starts to unbuckle his pants with one hand, the other on my waist and his lips on my mouth, a stall unlocks. He pulls me towards it, till he stopped.

Infront of us stood a blurry man, blocking our path.

"Outta the way, bozo! We're tryna fuck!" I yell, not being able to keep my eyes straight enough to see this person.

"Angel, you need to come with me," the person said in a calm tone. It was Husk. Of course it was. The biggest cockblock of the century.

"Fuck you mean I gotta go with you... I'm busy, can't you see?" 

The man I was with had a firm grasp on my ass, I couldn't leave at this time. 

"Angel, it's important. Remember what Vaggie said? You don't wanna get yelled at, do ya?" He said.

I groaned. I didn't. Especially not tomorrow when I'd most definitely feel like absolute shit.

"Fine! Fine. Sorry, big guy. Business to attend to," I slurred out, pulling the man's hand off of my ass.

We didn't stick around long enough to see how he reacted, I followed Husk back into the main room.

It was a mistake, because in the dark, I couldn't distinguish Husk from any other blob in the room. It all blurred into one.

But he quickly reappeared, and held out his hand to me, waiting for me to take it.

I fumbled around, not being able to tell where his hand was, but I found it and held tight. My hands felt sweaty, but his tight grip while he lead me across the dance floor exstinguished some of the flames burning in my body.

He led me to what I could only presume to be the original table we sat at. He pulled me infront of me and told me to sit. I did.

"We need to find Niffty, she's somewhere around here but we can't find here. Pentious is too fucking scared to leave his own damn seat and Cherri Bomb don't even know what she looks like. Plus I think she's off fucking someone in a sex room," he shouted over the music.

"I can't even see your face right now, you think I could find that little girl here?" I yelled back.

"I think you'll be able to spot a brightly colored dwarf in a crowd of tall people. Just keep your eyes on the floor," He replied.

"And how am I supposed to get back here?!"

"You're tall, Angel. I'll find you," he stated, peering into my eyes.

I sighed and nodded, standing up, stumbling slightly but catching myself on the booth.

Husk had his arms around me, but not touchign me as if to catch me if I fell, but he quickly brought them back to his side once he saw me stand up properly.

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