Chapter 3

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Chapter 3: Interrogation

Beta by KazueHiromi previously known as The Mafia-ish Addiction from ffn


When Tsuna is fully awake, he mumbled something about having a dream of seeing Alaude face to face. Reality slapped him hard however when he opened his eyes and saw Vongola Primo and his cloud guardian, Alaude.

To top it all, both are alive and very much breathing.

And the two were standing right in front of him with questioning looks.

-line break-

~In the future ~

"Reborn-san, all we did is t-to a-add s-some new functions to the bazooka. T-Tsuna will be f-fine right, Shoichi-san, Spanner-san?" Giannini slowly backed away from Reborn and then looked towards Shoichi and Spanner's direction, silently looking for back-up in the deadly situation they are in.

They are now comrades through life and death, right?

Ever since they have come back from the future, Shoichi, Spanner and Giannini have been together inventing new devices that had helped -well, mostly, at times unless for some reasons the devices have malfunctioned- the Vongola family.

"Yeah, Giannini-san is right, Reborn-san." Spanner answered not even sounding like he actually do care at all, typical him. Shoichi didn't answer as he had a stomach ache at that most important point of time. (A/N: like seriously, Shoichi -.-|||)

-Back to the past -

~somewhere in Tsuna's mind~

'Hiiiieeeeeeee! I'm in the past!!! I just saw Alaude previously that already is a proof in itself that I'm in the past. What do I do now?'

'Wait a minute; I remembered being shot by that damn bazooka! Did Giannini secretly have taken Lambo's bazooka while he was sleeping? He might have taken it, yet again, without my permission then upgraded it. Knowing Giannini, he could've done something totally unnecessary with it which caused it to malfunction!'

An aura of disbelief and the want to strangle the inventor seeped out of the Vongola tenth.

Unknowingly to him, Tsuna is slowly leaking his killing intent with a smirk clearly shown on his usually pacifist face. In his mind, he mentally had taken a note that if he managed to get back to the future, he will definitely give Giannini a 'big surprise'.

-3rd person POV-

"Is the intruder thinking something weird, the way he smiles is somehow scary and he seems like a different person?" Giotto mentally thinks about it. "And to think that we don't even know him"

Giotto glanced his gazed towards his cloud guardian, Alaude simply nod as if he understood what Giotto was implying. And he probably does.

Tsuna, who also possessed hyper intuition, sensed that the atmosphere suddenly felt a bit tensed which caused him to snap out of his musing, the smirk completely wiped from his lips. (He learned it from the best of the best. You know who it is. Quite obvious isn't it? :3 )

This is quite an awkward situation he is currently in, actually. Well, here goes nothing.

He looked at Giotto seriously, his eyes flashing orange like when he is in HDWM except that there was no flame appearing on his head and then asked them the reason why he is currently imprisoned.

Alaude provided him the answers he needed.

He all of a sudden, appeared inside the Vongola's vicinity unannounced; of course they would be suspicious and think of him as an intruder. Tsuna wanted to really face palm, if only his hands weren't tied.

Giotto then proceeded on asking him why he appeared near the mansion and with weird clothing at that.

Unfortunately, Tsuna could not answered him truthfully with all the information he knows as it will cause time paradox.

"I'm sorry, Giotto-san. I can only tell you that I am not from here and that I'm not an enemy of Vongola. Please don't ask me anything else, as in how I know your names as doing so will cause certain complications, trust me, that none of us would want happening"

Tsuna answered Giotto with his boss tone. Giotto eyed him suspiciously; his hyper intuition is telling him that he is genuinely telling the truth that the reason for his sudden appearance should remain anonymous. Giotto can tell though that he is hiding something. Not just something, but something BIG!!!


For old readers, my story sentence's structure has slightly changed because I have gotten a beta reader. So it maybe different from what you read previously, but the plot is still the same.

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