Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: Trouble (Part 3)

Beta by KazueHiromi previously know as The Mafia-ish Addiction from ffn

Video Title: EoSD Title Screen- Scarlet Beyond a Crimson Dream

I type "touhou music" in YouTube and a playlist of 200 videos , yeap, those musics there is somehow my inspiration haha. I listen to this playlist everyday.

Back to the story 😒

-line break-


"Giotto-san and the rest of you, please be safe. I will be there soon to lend you guys a helping hand. Please hang on until I get there! " Tsuna thought.

-meanwhile with Giotto and the rest-

'No way! The future? Impossible!" The first generation of Vongola family thought at the same time. Their expression priceless. ( A/N: I want a photo of their expressions xd )
The Vongola were quick however to focus back on their current situation.

"I will not let you get away with that plan of yours, Arata! " G rushes to Arata and tried to land a kick at his stomach. However, Arata catches his leg with his free hand.
In order to free himself, G pull out a gun and shot Arata on his left knee. G succeeded on his plan, retreating back to his boss's side.

"Ouch! You will pay for this! All of you, go get them. Leave no man alive! Kill everyone!" Arata screamed and signal his lackeys to attack while holding his left knee painfully.

Alaude could have sworn the Akuma boss is tearing up however he stopped musing when he noticed something unusual.

Arata then lift his right hand. A ring is clearly seen on his index finger. He gathered his resolve ( or whatever) to emit the flame of his ring and proceeded to take out a weird yellow box from out of nowhere.

Giotto and his guardians stared at him curiously while keeping their guard up when Arata inject his sun flames into the box.
A bright light then shines and blocked their visions temporarily.

When the light disappeared with the box disappearing as well, it somehow revealed Arata's uninjured knee causing major surprise.

He then dashed towards Giotto's direction and attacked him before the Vongola boss and his guardians had enough time to react with the current occurrence.

Soon, the Akuma began their attack and each of Giotto's guardians ended up having no choice but fight their enemies as it seemed that democratic resolutions will no longer work.
"I will EXTREMELY knock you out! " Knuckle shouted.

"I will not let you annihilate Vongola Family that we created. " G shouted angrily.
"Nufufu... You can't get away for being this weak." Daemon had a spade symbol appearing in his right eye. His enemy, soon enough also had the same symbol on both his eyes and his gaze becoming empty.

This seemed to prove that the mind control is successful. His enemy ended up rushing to one of his ally and killing him. The ally had no time to react at all.

Asari stepped backwards when the enemy which Daemon had put his mind control on, charged towards his enemy and killed him. Asari sent a grateful smile.

Alaude dodged his enemy's attacks and he got ready with his handcuffs. Before he could cuff his opponent however, he felt a rather bloodthirsty aura coming from behind. Alaude held on his handcuffs tighter.

His enemy is famous in the mafia world as the silent killer. He can kill with his presence hidden perfectly. He is called Gorou, the silent killer.

Alaude had a hard time sensing which direction Gorou will appear next even though he had trained with Daemon daily by predicting where he will appear next with him using his illusion.

~In the future~

"Shoichi, Spanner, Giannini let me get one thing straight or you're all dead. Did you say that after all your research, you guys conclude that Dame Tsuna get sent back to the Primo's time?" Reborn said in an angry tone.

The three scientist replied "Hai!" in perfect synchronization and then stood straight with their hands and legs in attention. Gianinini sweated nervously, Shoichi looked like he needed to run to the bathroom at the exact moment while Spanner simply remained contented with his lollipop.

"Reborn-san, we are now working on way to bring back Tsunayoshi safe and sound. We will try to finish it as soon as possible" Giannini answered trying hard not to faint.
Reborn lowered his gun and tipped his fedora "Do it fast or else..."


"I can't feel his flames anymore. Did something happen to him?! Please help him!" As one of the sky who holds the Tri-ni-set, she could feel the sky flames of another holder. She grabbed a certain white hair guy's clothes for reassurance.

The other, a guy who has a purple mark under his eye and unsurprisingly white wings on his back answer to ease the other's worry.

"Don't worry, he will be fine. My source tells me that he is sent back to Primo's time and they are trying to find a way to get him back safe and sound." He then pat on her head and proceed to ruffle her hair. She gave her a smile in return.

^Can you guys who are they? ^

-to be continued- :3

Seriously, I have no idea how this story managed to go out of track that I originally planned when I started this story. Next update will definitely be very long .... I don't know when as I need time to re-read one of my favorite fic in ffn and then add a certain character here which you guys won't expected to be appear here :3 . That's why this story is and unexpected outcome . I also need to revise for my examination daily too. TAT

The plot is getting boring and confused, that's why I want to end this stupid fight asap and get tuna to save the world 😂. Do you think this is getting boring? If yes, you are right 😔. I totally suck at battling/fighting scenes.

Just assume that only Arata have box weapon, his lackeys don't have .-. Now I hate fighting/battling scene.

Did you enjoy reading this chapter? No right? It's boring in my opinion.

Well ... see you guys soon


For old readers, my story sentence's structure has slightly changed because I have gotten a beta reader. So it maybe different from what you read previously, but the plot is still the same.

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