Chapter 4

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Chapter 4 : Suspicion

Beta by KazueHiromi previously known as The Mafia-ish Addiction from ffn


Tsuna answered Giotto with his boss tone. Giotto eyed him suspiciously; his hyper intuition is telling him that he is genuinely telling the truth that the reason for his sudden appearance should remain anonymous.

Giotto can tell though that he is hiding something. Not just something, but something BIG!!!

"However, I can tell you my name. My name is Tsunayoshi, Tsuna for short if you may. Japanese, with a bit of Italian blood and clumsy by nature" Tsuna added as he grinned sheepishly.

-line break-

-In Giotto's mind-

'What does he meant by complications? If he's not an enemy to the Vongola then what is his relation with us? Where does he really come from? He said he is Japanese; do Asari's countrymen dress like that now? But his cloths looked far too futuristic! What if he is from the future? Maybe the technology is so advance in the future that people manage to time travel? If that is true, that technology cannot befall into the wrong hands or else there will be consequences!'

' Argh... I can't lose my cool. Remember I'm the Vongola Primo. The boss of Vongola Family, one who protect townspeople, during times when the law could not protect them from crimes.'

He then even out his breathing to calm his thoughts.

Both Tsuna and Alaude stared curiously at Giotto who seems to be staring blankly into space. Alaude believed that what the intruder, now named Tsunayoshi, could be true. He can't help but still be curious though. Maybe some investigation might be necessary.

When Giotto's mind is back into reality, he ordered Alaude to be Tsuna's bodyguard until he is able to return safely to wherever he is from. The Vongola Primo still thinks that his guess of Tsuna being from the future is a right one.

"Before I forget, Tsunayoshi, can you change into these clothes to avoid suspicion from other people?" Giotto pointed to the clothes which have been prepared by the maids in the Vongola mansion.

Giotto then leads Tsunayoshi to the changing room. "Giotto-san, please call me Tsuna. It sounds a bit weird for me to hear you calling me Tsunayoshi." Tsuna scratches his head with a smile while following Giotto to the changing room. "Alright, Tsuna it is then. I guess you are also from Asari's hometown? I notice the accent you speak, is similar to Asari." Giotto ask Tsuna curiously.

Asari-san's hometown could it be Namimori too? Does Namimori already even existing around this time? Could be possible but with a different name. Tsuna simply replied Giotto with a "I'm not really sure, actually"

-line break-

Tsuna walks out from the changing room and towards Giotto's direction. "How do I look, Giotto-san?" Tsuna asks Giotto. Giotto glance Tsuna from head to toe and then reply him "Tsuna, you look fine, this clothes fit you and you don't look like a suspicious person."

"Omnivore." Both Giotto and Tsuna turns and look at Alaude at the same time. At the moment, Alaude is shocked as he does not notice that Tsuna has a striking resemblance as Giotto until now.

"Herbivore. You look like Primo" Alaude stated.

"Eh? HaHa, now that you said that, I think so too. The world is so small to even find someone who looks like me. HaHaHa...." Tsuna paused for a while and imitated how Yamamoto laughs.

Inside he was sweating. How is he going to actually explain his resemblance to Primo now? It's not like he can simply say 'Hey, actually I'm your I-forgot-how-many-great-there-is grandson, nice meeting you, grandpa' and not cause an error on the time paradox.

Not after he went all that trouble convincing Primo to drop trying to know who he is.

Things just got a lot more complicated


For old readers, my story sentence's structure has slightly changed because I have gotten a beta reader. So it maybe different from what you read previously, but the plot is still the same.

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