Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 : Unexpected Visitor

( Try listening to the music while reading? *puppy eyes* )


Beta by KazueHiromi previously known as The Mafia-ish Addiction from ffn



They thought he's but a civilian. A normal civilian who happened have stumbled upon Vongola's property. Honest, he does look the part and to add on he looks a bit to the scrawny side. Like he could easily be injured from just a single fall.

How can someone like him be involved IN THE UNDERWORLD AT ALL?

-back to the fight-

Tsuna, thankfully with the help of his hyper intuition could almost accurately pinpoint where Gorou would be appearing next. He blocked and dodged each of the enemy's attacks but unfortunately, Gorou does the same.

Adding to Tsuna's current displeasure, the rest of the Akuma lackeys started to summon their box weapons, each being coated with their respective flames.

Then they began to attack.

At this moment, Tsuna and the first generation kept their guard up and began defending themselves.

Unknown to Vongola however, their enemies had something cooking up behind their sleeves. One thing Vongola is not quite prepared for.

All of them took something invisible inside their suit and then threw it towards Tsuna and the rest.

Giotto knew in himself that they would have been screwed if not for Daemons quick thinking of using his mist flames to locate the invisible objects and solidify their presence.

They somehow successfully defended it by blocking, hitting it with their weapons and also dodging the attacks.

None of them had noticed the one that had hit Tsuna.

Continuing the fight, Tsuna called unto Natsu to help him out. The Sky Lion lands on Tsuna's shoulder before growling at the enemies. Tsuna began petting Natsu's head and then prepared for one of his known stance.

While Tsuna is in the process of getting his X-Burner ready, Natsu kept an eye on the enemies and from time to time, roars them with pure sky flames. The enemies barely, but unfortunately still managed to block the sky flames from Natsu.

The Vongola first generation meanwhile gawked at Tsuna and did their best to still keep an eye on him whilst battling their Enemies.

Tsuna concentrated as he prepared for his X-burner which requires soft flames as his support and hard flames for attack.

Lampo's mind had literally been 'frozen' when they saw Tsuna summoned a lion with sky flames out of nowhere. Thankfully, G managed to take him out of his stupor just in time for Lampo to block an attack and defend back.

"X- BURNER!" Tsuna shouted as he focused his flames towards the enemies. All members of the Akuma who didn't managed to duck in time were all badly injured and lying unconsciously on the ground.

Fortunately, before Tsuna shouted X-burner, the rest of the Vongola first generation had quickly ran out of the vicinity having seen the boy's quick and subtle yet firm motion for them to get out of the way.

The Vongola first generation saw Tsuna's attack and all of their jaws literally dropped. Yes, even Alaude.

Tsuna then began losing the feeling on his legs and had to seat himself on the ground. He panted heavily, catching his breath.

He began sweating, each breathing becoming harder from the last. The area where the poison needle pricked Tsuna had slowly turned purple. The Vongola first generation who are still able to move rushed unto Tsuna's side and having lots of questions on their mind.


G grabbed Tsuna's collar none to gently, he began shaking the almost unconscious boy. Asking questions and demanding answers.

"Who are you really? What is your motive?" The storm had asked, suspicion still hanging within every word.

"G that is enough. He's wounded and you're not helping" Asari tried to placate the storm guardian as Knuckle pried his arms off of Tsuna.

G decided to let go but still looked at Tsuna warily. Natsu ran to his master/owner's side and then let out a small whimper, trying to give his master comfort.

"Gao" The Sky Lion nudged gently. Tsuna did his best to reassure his companion.

In Giotto's mind, his hyper intuition basically shouts that Tsuna is not an enemy to Vongola. Still that did not answer the reason behind him knowing about dying will flames.

Much more on being able to control it willingly. To add on, there still are a lot of mysteries surrounding Tsuna. How did he end up inside Vongola's property? Why does it sound like he actually knew them? And that lion whose mane are made out of pure flames, where on earth did it even came from?

Plus a lot more questions.

"Tsuna, I want you to tell me honestly. Who are you really?" Giotto asked calmly while Knuckle checked on him, trying to figure out what kind of poison had hit the boy.

However, Tsuna who is slowly dripping out of consciousness had barely managed to stutter an answer. "Gio-Giotto-san.. pl-please tr-trust yo-your hyp-hyper i-intuition...I am n-not an enemy"

Tsuna was unable to speak another word before he collapsed. Natsu, with the state his master is in, had returned back inside Tsuna's ring.

Everyone fell silent, not knowing what to do. They knew that the Akuma would be back soon but it's not the time to think about that. Just then, a black warp hole opened up and the Vongola immediately tensed.

There was one guy and a baby wrapped with bandage.

They were none other than Bermuda and Jager of the Vindice.


Song in the video : Fallin
Anime: Charlotte
You can search in youtube by typing ' Fallin zhiend 'or 'Fallin charlotte'


^I tried to draw this *points to the paragraph below* It's kind of failed drawing =

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I tried to draw this
*points to the paragraph below* It's kind of failed drawing =.=|||

|||| However, Tsuna who is slowly dripping out of consciousness had barely managed to stutter an answer. "Gio-Giotto-san.. pl-please tr-trust yo-your hyp-hyper i-intuition...I am n-not an enemy". ||||

For old readers, my story sentence's structure has slightly changed because I have gotten a beta reader. So it maybe different from what you read previously, but the plot is still the same.

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