The Big Boom

551 22 12

Onika POV
The Office


"Ugh" this woman is trying to kill me.

"Come on let's gooo! You should be more excited"

"Bey it is 7 in the morning"


"The only people who are bouncing off the wall at 7am are crazy people" no wonder.

She smacked her teeth and folded her arms "this is your first house viewing you should be excited, you might even be able to sell your first house today"

"yea I guess" I smiled pushing my paper work aside and standing up "well come on let's go"

"Wait we're waiting for someone else"

"Who??" I was her only trainee at the time so who else could we be waiting for. Right before she could answer a short dark skin woman with long black hair came in.

"who-" this woman was beautiful but who tf "Jatavia! hi baby" bey practically pushed me across the room to greet this woman.

"baby??" I mugged bey, she gave me a confused look like she ain't know what tf I was talking bout "oh yea it's a uh southern thing we call everyone baby"

"Mm" I'll ignore it for now but who is this girl and why bey all up on her, I swear this woman don't know what personal space is. After a uncomfortable silence bey introduced me to the girl as she awkwardly stood there.

"Oh Maraj" there she go calling me by my last name again "this is my new trainee Jatavia Johnson" new?? Is she kicking me to the curb or something

"Oh. What does that mean for me.."

"Nothing? Why?"

"Hi I'm Jatavia it's a pleasure to work with you both, I'm sure I'll learn a lot working here" she smiled sticking out her hand for me to shake. I just stood there and looked at her chile idk her to be touching her.

"Onika! Don't be rude" bey obnoxious a** stood close behind her with her hands on Jatavia's shoulders.

"Sorry I'm not too good with new people but Jesus bey give the girl air to breathe" she rolled her eyes then took us both to the parking lot.

"I'll drive" I was happy bey was driving I skipped my little self to the passenger side until the giraffe started being annoying "uh uhn Onika get in the back"

"The back?? Do I look like a backseat b*tch to you?"

"Oh.." Jatavia looked back in forth between me and bey nervously

"I'm just saying she's new let her sit in the front"

"Well I was actually gon drive my car and follow y'all if that's ok ofc" she nervously laughed looking at bey

"Oh yea sure" idk why bey was so smiley today so mugged her getting into the car "Onika go drive your car"

"Wha- I never said I wanted to drive"

"Well I don't want to hear you talk the whole way"


we all got in our cars and followed bey to the house. It was so beautiful down to the structure, landscape, and the interior design. I hopped of my car and Jatavia was already greeting the home buyers and walking them in.

"Better step your cookies up" bey pushed passed me

"B*tch" I whispered yelled so the buyers wouldn't hear me being unprofessional

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