Daddy lessons

247 9 21

Bumble POV
Week later

I rubbed my eyes sitting up. Next to me was a women, I moved the cover to see who it was and it was nika! I gasped and jumped back. I never met nika but i heard so much about her from the others. I wanna play with her too but I'm scared.

What if she's mean. I know she's mean and yells at the others sometimes when she mad but I hope she doesn't get mad at me because I'll be very very sad and probably will hide from her.

I was going to wait for her to wake up but she's taking foreverrrr and I have to go potty. So ima wake her. I shook her but she didn't wake up so I shook her again but I got tired so I just jumped on her. That work.


"Swoy I have to potty"


"I'm swoyy" I started crying because she's yelling at me and it's hurt my feelings.

"Wha- why are you crying"

"You hurt my feelings" I cried harder.

She looked around with confused face and sighed "I'm going back to sleep"



"Uh oh" I accidentally peed in the bed because I was crying so hard, I guess she noticed it too cus she jumped out of bed.


"I no mean it"

"You did not just pee omg"

I ran out the room and went into a closet to cry. I don't want her to be mean to me so I'll just hide til one of the others take over. I would switch but I don't know how. Gigi. Yonce? Sasha?? No one is answering!

I heard nika calling my name but I don't want to talk to her anymore she's a meanie. Eventually she opened the closest door so I put my head down hoping she won't see me but she sat next to me and rubbed my back.

"Baby what's wrong"

"You're mean t-to me"

"Are you the little one?"

"Well you're smaller than me"

"I'm not mean I don't want you to think that I'm just use to the others I didn't know it was you baby"


She stuck out her pinky making me smile a little.

"Let's get you cleaned up" she helped me up.


We went in the room and she changed the sheets and ran me a bath.

"It's too hot or what"

"No no I fine"

"Ok get in"




"Ok baby" she put soap in the bath and swished her hand around then bubble were there!

"Alright take your clothes off"

"Um out"


"Wes out"



"Girl I done seen, licked, and sucked every part of your body what I gotta get out for"


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