Sandcastles pt i (26)

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Onika's POV
Next week

I left bey. I took my babies too we been staying with Kelly for the week. I'm not sure if I'm divorcing bey but I sure do need space from her. My kids too they don't need to be in such a hostile environment. I also haven't been feeling like myself since I've shot my mother. Even though she put me through hell and back it still feels wrong. I am not a murder.

Bey been blowing up my phone to ask to talk and for me to come home. I've been ignoring everyone lately. It feels like my body is on autopilot and still in that warehouse. I received another text but it wasn't from bey.

240-576-1349: heey beautiful it's kehlani.

240-576-1349: can we go out maybeee Thursday?

I smiled remembering meeting her. It was so embarrassing but kinda funny. Kelly saw me smiled and playfully hit my shoulder.

"Wow I haven't seen you smile all week who got you smiling?"

"This girl I met at Starbucks"

"Is she cute?"

I smiled and she laughed.

"There's my answer"

"She's nice looking but idk if I should just jump to another woman so soon"

"Yea. So are you divorcing bey or separated?"

"Idk yet I just need space"

"Well I think you should go out and start feeling like yourself again but don't lead either of them on let them know your intentions. I know bey is a very f*cked up person but she loves you Onika. She just... have a lot going on"

"What do she have going on we've been together for three years and are married with kids why isn't she comfortable enough to tell me"

"Well something's are easier said then done"

"Kelly I feel like you know more than you're telling me"

"Onika it's not my place to tell you you have to wait til she does"

"But we have children involved and are married. Isn't that in our vows to be honest with each other?? All I ask for is her honesty"

"Nika please don't get mad at me I think you should talk to bey"

"And I think I should stay with someone else" I walked to the guest room closing the door.

"Nika" she sighed.

I went to take a nap and woke up to more messages from bey, kehlani, and my sister. I got up and got dressed I decided to take kehlani's offer and go out with her. It was actually nice we went to the harbor and went to this pasta restaurant it was sooo good I must bring my babies some back and then we got ice cream and went on the Ferris wheel.

I had a really great time but bey was still on my mind. Although kehlani was really great and we talked a bit she seems really cool. We could definitely hang out again. Once we were ending the night she dropped me off and walked me to the door then gave me a much needed hug. I melted in her tatted arms.

I came inside and kissed my babies first then I put up their food and took a shower. Once I got out I seen bey texted. Let's see what she wants I guess..

Beybey🐝💕: Onika can we please talk. I miss you and the kids I promise I'll be more honest I can't lose you baby please

:alright we can talk

Beybey🐝💕: I'm outside

:what if I said no?

Beybey🐝💕: well..idk

: k coming.

I opened the door it was raining so I let her in. My poor baby looked like she was crying and was soaked and all cold I wanted to hug her. But I didn't! I took off her clothes but only cus they were wet and I gave her a blanket then turned on my heater. I kept my composure even though I wanted to jump into her skin.

"Ok talk"

"Are you thinking about divorcing me"

"Idk bey"

"Pleaseee nika you can't leave I don't wanna be with no one else baby I cant walk this earth without you"

"Bey you have to be honest with me and you have to be a better person"

"I will be for you" she started crying "just please don't leave me nika please"

Wow it's crazy how life works. Just 3 years ago this lady was the meanest b*tch I knew and now here she is crying for me to stay. It's this pussy. It's like a b*tch got superpowers.

"Please Onika!"

"Ok you're going to be honest right"


"So what was Kelly talking about that day in the office"



She sighed. She seems pretty hesitant to tell me.

"You promise you won't laugh"

Now why would she say that now I just might laugh.


"I have serve problems with my brain"

"How serve?" What does that even mean.

She started crying harder.

"I- I have a- a-"

"Take your time" I rubbed her back so she would calm down.

"I have split personality disorder and conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder"

"Wow" that was a plot twist I wasn't expecting but it sure as h*ll makes sense.

"I'm sorry"

"Baby you don't have to apologize for having a disorder"

"I do cus he said I wasn't normal then they sent me away and I got pregnant and they beat me so bad Onika then I almost killed her" she sobbed harder "I didn't mean too I promise and she took my kids blacked out and I went to jail I just want to be normal"

I don't know what to really say to that so I just held her and let her cry into my arms. Once she calmed down I told her to take a shower while I made us cookies. She loves cookies so hopefully it'll make her feel better.

"Baby you ok?"


"Um can I ask you what those disorders mean"

"So split personality disorder means I have a bunch of voices and different people in me, conduct disorder mean i have reckless and destructive behaviors with no remorse, and oppositional defiant disorder means I have a uncooperative hostile behavior."

"Wow" that's all I could seem to say "how long have you had this"

"Since I was kid?"

"Well it definitely explains a lot of your behavior but the split personality disorder? I haven't noticed that"

"Well it definitely happened a few but I've been taking stronger medication"

"So how many are there"

"Um I think 4"

"Can I meet them"

"You already did except one"

"I did?? When? What's their name are they cool?"

"Well when I'm mediacated im Beyonce but when I'm not there's Giselle, yonce, bumble, and Sasha"

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