16 Carriages

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Beyoncé's POV

Well that's not the full truth.

Eighteen ish years ago when I was in high school and my insanity was at its peak. I was dating this guy jay, at the time I was disgustingly bi because well I didn't have the private parts I have now...

Lemme make this as non confusing as possible. So as many may not know my parents are evil scientists and I'm not even bullsh*tting to you. Once I turned 16 they found out that I have split personality disorder and conduct disorder they decided to do experiments and tests on me which actually drove me insane and caused me to develop oppositional defiant disorder.

Then they started giving me a bunch of undiagnosed symptoms and eventually medicine which made my behavior and outburst much worse. One day I tried telling them I didn't want to be their lab rat they started abusing me physically and emotionally.

After a while my behavior had become intolerable and they sent me to a intuition for the summer where they drugged me, tie me up, and watched me break under their cameras. I truly felt like a monster. To make matters worse some guy in there raped me and tortured me when I wasn't being 'compliant'.

Once the summer was over I was completely dead inside. I lost my need to speak and my will to live. It felt like my life wasn't mines but theirs. There was nothing I could do or say so I just became compliant. Whatever experiment or drug they wanted to give me I just accepted it. When they beat and yelled at me I just sat there completely numb.

When I returned back to school I started noticing my growing belly. There's was only one guy I had sex with. And it was unwillingly. I didn't tell anyone and I began shutting everyone out especially Kelly.

In the mist of all of this I met Teyana. She was the most beautiful girl I ever laid eyes on and she was so humble yet she held this demeanor. I had a few classes with her and she was always in her own world. She never was in drama or in boys face she was just her.

I was always kinda that too but not willingly. Ever since I was younger I've shown symptoms of conduct disorder which means I have severe aggression and antisocial behaviors with little to no guilt or concern regarding my actions so making friends wasn't the easiest. I started isolating myself because I didn't want to hurt or upset anyone. This is makes me think of the time my parents took me to the park.

Flashback to when bey was 6

"Hi I'm Beyonce can I play with you guys"

"yea sure but after we finish this round" the girl smiled causing me to smile back. She was really pretty.

"YOURE NAME IS WHAT" an arrogant boy said.

"I-it's b-beyo-" he cut me off.

"SPIT IT OUT WHATS WRONG WITH YOU ARE YOU SCARED OR SOMETHING" he got in my face as well as other kids.


"WELL YOU SURE DO SSSOUND LIKE IT" he mocked my stutter. The other kids laughed in my face including her.

The boy pissed me off but the girl laughing hurt me. Before he could say anything else I pounced on him causing him to fall back. I grabbed his neck and banged his head against the metal bars which they should really not have at a child's park!

His head started bleeding and parents and kids started surrounding us trying to pull me off him. Once they got hold on my arms I jumped on his ankle probably breaking it. He winced in pain calling for his ugly a** parents.

Once they picked the boy up all the other parents looked at me with disgust and shamed me. I was only 6 so of corse I ran to my parents crying.

"Bumble what happened" my father looked concerned.

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