Sparkly Vampires

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Weekend...and he's at the mall inside the bookstore. Jazz would be so proud of him...if he wasn't looking at the Twilight Series. There was so much controversy about this book amongst the Goth community who disagreed with the way the vampires were described. He just think a vampire than can easily pass as very pretty human made for a more practical predator. He wondered why they hated the vampires of Twilight so much.

Maybe it's a Goth thing?

A Dracula fan thing?


Danny looked to see Elsa standing nearby. Ah, right. They were supposed to meet there to discuss about the practicality of Twilight's vampires. One could mistake them for a hardcore fan but rather they were just trying to complete a school's project for graduation. He smiled at her, his face mask hiding them, "Sup?"

Elsa stared at his face mask, "Why are you wearing a face mask? Did you catch a cold?"

Danny pulled the face mask down, "No. It's just that people tended to stare at these bad boys," He showed off his fangs. Elsa simply stared them down like she did with a lot of things. He wondered what she think about them.

Suddenly, he felt her finger poke his cheek.

She noted, "You could pass for a Twilight's vampire yourself,"

Danny blinked. He thought about it. He's pale, have eye bags, cold, sometimes forgot to breathe if what Elsa said that one time was true, and he have fangs. He smacked his face with his hand, "Oh fudge muffin. You're right!"

She looked at the books, "Have you bought the first book?"

He groaned, "I did not expect these many, though,"

Elsa pointed at another, one with a pomegranate, "This one was supposedly from the point of view of the vampire male lead, Edward,"

He looked at it and picked it up, "Hmm...hey, Elsa. You are reading the girl's point of view, yeah?" He grinned, "Why don't I read up the dude's instead? Then we can exchange note,"

Elsa seemed to perk up at that, "An interesting proposal. I will take it,"

Danny laughed, pulled his face mask back up and went to the cashier to pay. Once he was done, he head back to Elsa only to find some guys surrounding her. They looked like Jazz's age. Elsa ignored them, standing firmly and quietly as usual. One guy grabbed her arm and Danny saw red. He stomped forward when Elsa whipped out a taser and tasered the idiot for putting his hand on her, causing him to let go with a pained shout. Before his friends could retaliate, Danny pulled her behind him, "Hey! She is not interested with whatever it was that you guys were selling, so piss off!"

They glared at him, "Who the fuck you think you are, space nerd?"

Danny rolled his eyes, "Oh, so original. How many years did it take you to think that one up?" He glared, "Anyway, she's not interested so get!"

The guy that was tasered snorted, "Whatever. She looks like a corpse anyway. Come on, guys,"

Danny growled at their retreating back, "Coward," He looked at Elsa, "You alright? What did they want?"

Elsa hummed, putting her taser away into her pocket for easy reach, "A company to some bar or others. I did not really listen after the first coercion. I had already stated that I have no interest, that I am underage, and that I am with company. It was not my fault that they do not listen,"

Danny sighed, "That was dangerous. I was half worried they'll pull out a knife or something," He looked at her pocket, "Did you always carry that taser everywhere?"

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