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Danny yawned as he shoved Johnny and Kitty into the dispenser along with Shadow. He looked down to see snow covering Amity Park. He grumbled about Christmas. He learned his lesson with Ghostwriter but that did not mean that he has to like it. His parents ruin any good Christmas cheer. But at least Vlad won't be able to prank him, since the fruitloop had to attend some kind of politicians gala in New York or something. His parents would also be out of Amity Park, thanks the Ancients, for some sort of scientists gathering at their old college town or something. Jazz will be home for Christmas, which was awesome for Danny.

He floated down to see extra cars on Elsa's ground. They looked important so he turned invisible and flew close to peek into the house. He can hear where the noises were loudest and spied her talking to a girl with dark strawberry blond hair. He had seen the girl before, her little sister; Anna. She should be around 14 this year.

Matthias suddenly appeared at the window, hand palming the gun on his hip. Danny quickly appeared before him, sheepishly waving at the man. Matthias relaxed before turning around to address the sisters, "Miss Elsa, your special friend is here,"

Danny knew that by 'special', he meant him as Phantom, and not...the other kind of 'special'. Still, it tickled his core something warm to be referred as special to Elsa. The window opened at her request and Danny flew in, awkwardly waving at the gawking younger girl, "Hey Elsa. I was just...passing through..."

He just needed to check on her.

Anna gasped, "You're friend with Danny Phantom?!"

Elsa sighed, "Yes, Anna. Now, treat him like a person and lower that idol worship,"

Anna blushed at the call out, "Elsa!"

Danny chuckled, "Ah. I see. A fan," He offered a handshake, "Nice to meet you. Just call me Danny,"

Anna gawked at his hand before reverently grabbed it with both of hers, "Your hand is so big..."

Danny looked at it, "Is it? I don't know. It's just my hand to me,"

Anna marveled, "Cold..."

Danny laughed, "Yeah. I'm cold. Being a ghost and all, you know?" He glanced at Elsa, wondering if Anna knew. Elsa simply just looked on, a small smile on her lips as she watched her sister's idolization of him with fond eyes. Danny realized that Anna must be very important to her. He will have to be extra nice. So he looked at her, "Say, Anna, right?" At her eager nod, he asked, "Where did you go to school?"

Anna blinked and let his hand go before mumbling, "Some stuck up private school in Europe,"

Danny wondered why Anna would be sent to such an obviously important place while Elsa ended up in such an obscure school in America that no one would even remember. But looking at Elsa, she was relaxed and sipping her tea. Clearly the one with trouble in this arrangement was Anna and not Elsa. He knew that there must be a reason why Elsa was practically hidden away in a town that was hardly on the map. Even their fame as the capital of haunting wasn't enough to put their name out into the world, unless one was into the supernatural.

Elsa was fine at being hidden away.

Anna wasn't.

He wanted to know but...he didn't want to lose Elsa's trust. He knew, after almost half a year of knowing her, just how hard it was for her to trust anyone. She was a fortress, hiding secrets deep inside. Her distrust came from her need to protect. Understanding this, he never pushed to know more.

He could ask Clockwork.

But that would be bad.

So, instead of pushing for answer, he smiled at Anna, "Tell me about stuck up schools. You're not bullied there, are you?"

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