Why Not?

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Danny had a bad feeling. His parents were really secretive with their new project and whatever they were working on took them out of town more and more often. No matter how he snuck around their usual work place, even their bedroom, he could not find or figure out whatever it was that they were working on.

That was not good.

He told Elsa this as she guided him through the dance steps, "I don't know. I just have this really bad feeling about whatever it was that they are working on. I don't want to think the worse of them but...what if it really is the worse that is coming?"

She followed as he remembered to twirl on the next step, "Perhaps...you should try to talk to them? Try to gauge out what they are working on?"

He shook his head as he picked her up and put her back down, "I tried. But not even Dad is saying anything,"

She hummed, "Then there is nothing we can do but wait,"

He looked down at her, "Elsa...if anything bad happen to me...I want you to move far away from here. I don't know what is going on back in your country, news from there have been tight, but as long as it isn't anywhere in America, you should be fine,"

Elsa stopped, causing him to pause as well as she raised a hand to cup his jaw, a gesture that he eagerly leaned into, "Don't worry about me. Focus on yourself. Don't let any of the hunters get you, Danny,"

Danny frowned at her request, "Elsa-,"

She added, "Also, promise me that you'll find me,"

He stared at her. She didn't say to come to her but to find her. Danny smiled. In a way, she was giving him a choice. He knew what he will always choose, "Sure,"

She smiled before asking, "Also, are you sure you want to sing this song?"

Danny shrugged, "It's a love song, since the theme is romance because it's Valentine, and it's perfect for a slow dance. I just think it's perfect,"

He actually thought that it was the prefect way for him to say what he wanted without giving anything away. If she caught on but did not return it, it won't be so awkward. She just didn't have to bring it up and pretend for it to be just another project between them. Danny strongly suspected Elsa to be aromantic. It would kill him if she reject him. He cannot move on from her. Not with the Bond permanently in place.

Elsa hummed, "It is a beautiful song," She added, "I am just unsure if it will be entertaining enough,"

He blinked, "Do you want to win this?"

She thought about it before shaking her head, "Winning would mean pictures and I do not want that,"

He nodded, "Alright. Just do this good enough to pass with bonus grade then,"

She nodded, "Very well. Let's perfect this slow dance and focus on singing while dancing after,"

It was actually a lot harder to sing and dance as both required breathing technique and perfect control of their voice. But whenever they made a mistake, they will laugh it off and rest a while, albeit it was mostly for Elsa. He still had to go out and chase after random ghosts that ventured through the still active Ghost Portal. But sleeping with Elsa gave him more energy than what he could do with it. Some nights, he slept only because it gave him a reason to wrap himself around her and indulge in the act of sleeping.

Turned out that the reason ghosts kept ignoring his need to sleep was because ghosts didn't need to sleep. They will recharge whenever they return to their Lair. They did not understand his need to sleep due to this and thus did not respect it. They didn't know that he did not have a Grave or a Lair to rest in. It did explain why, even when he did manage a full night sleep, he will still feel tired. It was because he did not have a connection necessary to recharge with his bed.

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