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When Elsa came down with Danny the next morning, Ellie furiously launched herself at him and tried to maul his face as she both cried and laughed and screamed at him. Anna was happy for her friend but she was also mad at him for putting her sister through so much pain, so she joined Ellie in trying to 'kill' Danny herself. It was to the sight of the girls hitting him, Anna grabbing onto his arm and Ellie on his shoulders, that Agnarr and Iduna found them.

Meanwhile, Elsa already had her fill of hitting him and scolding him and kissing him for his frightening plan of cutting all ties with America.

But Iduna noticed that she was smiling, practically glowing as she looked at the tall boy, almost man being bullied by two tiny girls. He's practically on his knees begging forgiveness.

Agnarr cleared his throat, stopping the shenanigan, "Girls,"

Ellie gave Danny one final box on his ear, "You're an idiot!"

Anna kicked his leg, "Yeah!"

Iduna scolded them, "Alright, enough now. Let your father speak,"

They pulled away from the boy on the floor. As he stood up, the couple finally met Elsa's dearest Danny. He's towered over them both, with broad shoulders and heroic physique. It was a little daunting to be in front of a young man of his stature. Although, he also looked slightly unwell.

Agnarr asked, "So...you're Danny?"

Danny nodded, "Hello, sir..." He then added with a firm voice, "I'm dating your daughter Elsa,"

Elsa blushed something fierce at his bold declaration.

Agnarr blinked before asking, "What exactly happened? We received news of your funeral,"

Danny answered, "I was sick after Elsa left. I don't know how much she told you but as Ellie is floating over there and neither of you seemed alarmed, I supposed that she told you enough?" At their nod, he continued, "Elsa is Life. I am...someone that is always in a state of dying. My human counterpart is breaking down long before I met her. It was a slow process as it kept trying to preserve life but death still creeps in. However, once I Bonded with Elsa, I grew healthier as it feels like she's feeding me Life. My human side, or rather my living side, relied on her to function normally. So when she left, it crashed. I was slowly dying but my dead side continued to thrive. Basically, I am stuck. Without Elsa, I would have fallen in a deep coma. Unless I switch to my dead side and stayed that way,"

Agnarr nodded before asking, "And how does this play with the explosion?"

Danny explained, "Well, since I had fallen into a coma, I was in my room. My parents were planning to take me to a more advanced hospital. That was when I possessed my own body to move. I went to the basement and caused the Ghost Portal to fold in on itself. Basically, a tiny supernova. I controlled the explosion just enough to not take the whole town with it. That said, as far as anyone in town know, Danny Fenton was at home, unable to move when the explosion took place. So...Danny Fenton is dead,"

Iduna asked, "Why did you do it?"

Danny sighed, "I have been arguing with my parents to close the portal. Their stubborn insistence to keep it open so that they can 'study' the Ghost Zone is why the town kept being invaded by ghosts. They blamed it all on Phantom, though," He snorts, "Ghosts don't attack or invade another ghost's Lair. That is the most important rule in the Ghost Zone. Part of that is decency, another is to survive. Ghosts are strongest in their Lair. So if you invade their safe place, more often than not, you will be ended. But of course trying to hint at this to two very stubborn and close minded scientists are a practice in futility. Since I can't live without Elsa and I really want them to stop their study into a subject no humans are really ready for, I decided to give them the shock therapy by leaving the town with a bang,"

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