Dark Side of Popularity

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[Trigger Warning: Gaslighting and sexual harassment]

Paulina wondered if Danny and Elsa were dating. It was strange to see them after winter break. He was always hovering around her, literally all but plastering all over her. He even waited outside her classes before walking with her to her next class. He only left once she's in her seat to jog to his own class. These days, he will always have his arms around her shoulders, snuggling up against her, or simply walking while hugging her from behind.

She looked over to Sam. Although they weren't close, outright enemies even, even she had heard the meltdown that Sam had during the costume party during Halloween. Sam did not come to school for almost a whole week after. When she did came back, she looked like a different person. Everyone in Casper High knew how much she loved Danny. It was annoying when they were dancing around each other. It was cringe when they were together. But now? It was just heartbreaking to see her shuffling everywhere. Sam was literally a shadow of herself.

She became better through the weeks, but it was obvious that things had changed permanently between her and Danny. They were hardly ever seen in the same place, let alone sitting at the same table like before. Only Tucker seemed to migrate between her and Danny. But surprisingly, he did not seem to be angry at Danny and only seemed more focused at getting Sam back on her feet.

Then there was Valerie. That girl looked horrified when she saw Danny. She also kept away from the two 'maybe-maybe not' couple. The few time she tried to address Danny, Elsa will be the one stop her with a look. If Sam did not dye her hair black and actually embraced the girly style her parents had been trying to stuff her into, she might look like Elsa. The usually calm and collected girl was actually fiercely standing between Valerie and Danny. Paulina was confused by that. Elsa was usually aloof, acting as if she was above such conflicts.

What happened?

Why did Valerie looked so guilt stricken?

Also, why did Sam and Tucker came to class after lunch break with Valerie looking like she had been in a fight? Did they attack her or something? It was obvious from the bruises on her cheeks and the tussled hair. Paulina had been in a cat fight. The hair was the best part to grab and shake to loosen up the brain inside.

She sighed as she sat next to Star, "I swear, things have really changed since Fenton started hanging around that Snow Queen,"

Star nodded, "Poor Manson. I mean, she's not on our level but I don't think that even she deserved what Fenton did to her,"

Paulina looked at Tam, "Hey. Did you know about what happened between them on Halloween?"

Tam looked up from her nail, "Well, the most I figured out was that Manson tried to get back with him but he rejected her. I guess words were said?" She returned to buffing her nail, "She was a mess when Foley escorted her away from the hall,"

Paulina propped her chin, "What I want to know what is going on with Fenton and the Snow Queen?"

Star shrugged, "They're dating,"

Paulina raised a brow, "I swore she was aromantic?"

Pam, Tam's twin, shrugged, "Well. We are teenagers. We change our mind all the time. Besides," She licked her lips, "Fenton's hot. Who would have thought?"

Paulina hummed, "He used to be such a bean string,"

The group looked up to see Elsa walking through the hall with Danny practically hanging onto her back like an overgrown barnacle. It was hard to ignore them because it made for quite the comical sight. They were so different in terms of size and height. He towered over her and practically engulfed her when he held her like that. Paulina remembered the time when he was one of the shortest guy in Casper.

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