Chapter 19

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Toni sat at her desk anxious as she looked on her computer. It had been a few days since Janet had told Toni she was ready to have sex and ever since then, Toni has been a nervous wreck. The day after Janet's revelation, she told her that for a couple days Kenny would be driving her to school and she would see her later in the day with the excuse of having a lot of work to do. It technically wasn't a lie. She had to get so much stuff ready in preparation of this very important event.

She had to get a hotel room, a very nice place to have dinner, a new suit, and decorations. It was a lot to do. She also had to go get tested just to be safe. She knew she was clean, but there was no harm in making sure. Now, she was just stuck in research. She had never been with a virgin before and she wanted to make sure she did everything right. However, these websites only told her the technical stuff. She knew to be gentle, she knew all the steps, but she needed to know more about the social and emotional side of things.

Slamming her laptop, she became frustrated and sat back in her chair. She could not get the answers she needed and it irritated her. How hard is it to know what girls feel like during their first time? It's one question. One simple question. One and he can't get the answer. "Ughhhh!" She screamed out. Kenny came running in.

"Yo, what's wrong?"

"I'm just frustrated, man."

"Why?" He sat down.

"Just trying to get this stuff straightened out for Janet and I just...." She sat up and looked at Kenny. "..Nicole was a virgin when yall got together, right?"

"Naw, she had slept with one other person."

"Damn. Have you ever been with a virgin before?"

"Naw. When we were younger I wanted to for selfish reasons but that's a very serious thing."

"Man." Toni sat back.

"Why you asking? Who you having sex with?"

"Man, Janet told me that..."

"Janet? Jan...oh my god. Are you going to have sex with her? Like foreal?"

"Yeah. She said she was ready and I'm freaking out. I know I've been wanting to but it's so serious. I can't mess this up."

"Well, just be gentle and don't go too fast and..."

"Naw, man I know all that already. I'm trying to figure out all the emotional stuff and what to say to her." They sat in silence and thought for a few minutes.


"I know."

"Maybe you should ask someone."

"Who? I'm definitely not asking them hoe as niggas out there." Kenny sighed.

"What about your mom?"

"My mom?"

"Yeah, you have the most open parents I know. If you can't go to them, then who can you go to?" Toni thought for a second. Her parents were very open and raised their children that way. Growing up, Toni's parents were always honest with them. Other parents looked at them crazy because they bought their children's condoms. But the joke was on them because those same parents were now grandparents because of teen pregnancy.

"Yeah, I'll go ask them." Toni grabbed her keys and stood up. "Hold it down for me."

"I got you."

"And make sure they don't let that nigga out the basement until they give up the info."

"Of course."

"Shoot they asses if necessary." Kenny nodded. "I may not be back today. I gotta take Janet to the mall."

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