Chapter 28

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"You want me to what?" Michael stood up and looked at Joseph.

"You heard me. I need you to find that footage for me."

"Naw, man. I can't break into those types of buildings."

"Why not?"

"Because man. I just can't. I've worked way too hard to get off the wanted list." Michael moved some things around on his desk. "Why do you want footage from there anyway?"

"It's personal, man. It has to do with Katherine."

Michael sat back down.

"Whoa, is she okay?" Joseph looked down and fought back emotions.

"No. She told me something and I just....I need that footage. It would solve so many problems that's going on right now if we could take care of this."

"Alright, but just in case you're going the legal route with anything, stolen footage won't hold up well in court."

"I know, I have a plan for that."


"I...know a guy from...the..."

"Oh hell naw! You got that nigga involved. We wasn't supposed to call him unless we needed....a permanent solution."

"And that's what we need right now." Joseph stood up. "This is my wife!" Michael stood up.

"A'ight. Look, I'll do it. I'll get Kenny on it."

"No, someone else."

"Why? Kenny's one of my best guys."

"If Kenny does this, he'll have to look through footage to find what I need and he can't know because Toni can't know because she'll tell Janet and Janet definitely can't know this until Katherine is ready to tell her."

"Damn, what is on this footage?"

"Just....can you do it?" Michael rubbed his head.

"Man, I ain't done the footwork in years......but for you and for my sis, I got you. I'll get the footage myself."

"Thanks. I appreciate you and I ain't forgot about you. I got everything set up for Toni and Kenny."

"Awesome. You don't know how much that means to me."

"No problem. Let me know when everything's going down. I have to go find Janet and convince her to come home. Kathy wants to try and talk things out."

"Oh, I know where she is."


"Yeah. She's at Toni's house. I thought y'all knew."

"No, or else I would've checked up on her by now."

"You want to go there? You can follow me."

"Yeah." Michael and Joseph grabbed their keys and headed out to their cars. Michael pulled out and headed towards Toni's house with Joseph hot on his tail. As they drove, Michael said a prayer that Toni and Janet were decent. They turned onto Toni's street and Michael approached the neighborhood gate. He put the code in and waited for it to open before heading down the street to her house. Pulling in the driveway, Michael saw Joseph getting out and already heading to the front door.  He ran out and met him at the door. They rang the doorbell and there was no answer. Michael beat on the door and still no answer. "Okay, I'm worried now."

"Hold on." Michael took out the spare key he had to Toni's house and unlocked the door. When they walked in they looked around for Toni and Janet. "They gotta be here because Toni's car is here." They headed up the stairs but stopped halfway up.

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