Chapter 47

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"Ahhhh!" A plate flew across the room and shattered.

"Geraldine, calm down."

"No, I will not calm down. The plan has fallen apart. Jack has disappeared, the FBI opened an investigation into the Vincezos, and now Erice is gone. This is not how it was supposed to go."

"I know, but I need you to relax. If we sit down and make a new plan...."

"NO!" She threw a cup. "I'm tired of sitting and making plans. That Katherine will get what is coming to her." She started rummaging through drawers.

"Okay, but you never told me why you hate her so much. What did she do?"

"She stole something from me." She moved onto a different set of drawers.

"What did she steal? I thought this was just about...."

"She stole my chance."

"What chance? With Joseph?" Geraldine laughed.

"This is way bigger than him. I worked my ass off in school. I did everything I was supposed to and I did it perfectly. She ratted me out and I lost my chance to get out of this hell hole."

"I'm not following you." Geraldine started looking in her closets.

"I had one chance to make my life mean something. We were up for this amazing scholarship opportunity to go to an amazing school. A full ride, room and board included. I was gonna win, but she told the school that I was pregnant and I didn't get the scholarship."

"Why would being pregnant stop...."

"Because it was one of the requirements for applications. At the time, being pregnant and unmarried was a big no no, plus I was seventeen. I found out I was pregnant the day of the application and I still put no, because I was going to get an abortion at first. I was talking to my boyfriend and she overheard me. Next thing I know, they're telling me that due to my circumstances I couldn't be a part of the process."


"I tried everything after that. I tried going to school, but every time I tried something kept me from getting far. Money, transportation, something. I would have been able to change my life if it wasn't for her and now watching her in that big house with that big family after not even going to college. All of her amazing children. I got something for her ass."

"Geraldine, what are you going to do?"

"Janet, I can't believe it." Katherine watched as her daughter got her makeup down. "My baby is all grown up."

"Mother." She whined.

"I know, it's just amazing." Janet smiled at her mother's reactions. She knew it was a big deal for her, seeing as how she was her last baby. Plus she was going away soon for school and Katherine would more than likely suffer from empty nest syndrome. However, it was sweet. Janet loved seeing her mother this way, especially after everything they had been through. "I would hug you, but I don't want to mess up Toy's work."

"Thank you. Just make sure her dress is ready for her to put it on. Toni is going to be here before we know it."

"Gotcha." Katherine went into Janet's closet and brought out the dress. Janet had chosen the colors purple and white, so her dress was a beautiful purple ball gown with white lace at the top and going down her arms along with white heels. Her hair was done in a curled updo with pieces framing her face. Seeing as it was a special occasion, she had chosen to wear her contacts. "You did such a great job picking this out."

"Thank you, mother."

"I'm going to get you a little snack, okay."

"Okay, mother." Katherine left the room, leaving Janet alone with her sisters.

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