Chapter 48

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"Geraldine, we can't do this."

"Oh, I'm doing it. She needs to feel my pain." She picked up some things from her trunk.

"But this?" The person followed behind her.

"Yes, this. I want her to be crushed. Destroyed." The person shook their head. At first, they were cool with how everything was going to go because it was just money, but now it was going too far. "Grab the rest of the stuff, we have to hurry." They stood in the parking lot.

"Just think this through."

"Oh god. I'll do it myself." Geraldine grabbed the stuff from the car.

"But if you go through with this, you could go to prison. Is it worth it?"

"Yes. As long as she's in pain, that's enough. I want her to be hurt. She needs to want to die. Now come on." The person shook their head.

"I can't do this. This is too far. This is too much." They grabbed their stuff and ran off. Geraldine shook her head and went ahead with her plan.

"Janet, breath. Your speech is fine." Katherine rubbed her back. They were at the venue for the graduation and Janet was nervous out of her mind. Along with the news of graduating early, she also found out that she was the top of the class. So naturally, she was anxious.

"I just want to make sure. It needs to be perfect." She looked through her notes. "Let me just run through it one more time." She went to stand up but Katherine pulled her back down.

"Janet, it's fine. You've studied and got good grades. You've succeeded at clubs and fundraising. You're graduating early and you're valedictorian. You're going to one of the top colleges in the world and you just won prom queen." Janet smiled.

"I still can't believe they wrote me in." They chuckled.

"Just....take a minute and breath. Look in the mirror." Jant sat her notes down and looked in the mirror in front of her. She looked beautiful in her graduation gown and cap. Her hair was in its natural state, so her curls were very voluminous. She had managed to fix her cap with a headband so that it could stay on without messing up her hair. Taking another breath, she tried to calm down.

"I can't believe it." She looked at her mother. "I'm graduating."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm going to college."

"I know." Janet started laughing as tears fell from her eyes. Katherine pulled her into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, baby." They pulled apart and she looked into her eyes. "You are an exceptional person. I knew when I had you and asked God to cover you. He has blessed you tremendously. You are going to do amazing things. I can see you now in my mind. The world doesn't know what's coming with you and I'm glad. They need to be shocked." She gently cleaned her face. "And I promise, you'll always be able to come to me. I will always be here for you. I will never leave you."

"I love you, mother." They hugged and Katherine kissed her forehead.

"Thank you, Superintendent Martin, for those moving words." The principal spoke. The crowd clapped. "Now our next speaker is an exceptional student. Not only is she an excellent student and an amazing talent, she is also a bright energy, an activist, and just an all around great presence to have around. She has won many academic awards for the school as well as made us a favorite among the district and the state with her many, many achievements. So it was not a shock when we learned that she would be graduating a year early and not just graduating but also as this year's valedictorian. I speak for the entire faculty and staff when I say we will definitely miss her presence in our school." Janet smiled. "Everyone welcome, our valedictorian, Janet Jackson." Everyone clapped. Katherine stood up and cheered.

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