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Avneet opened the door of her house and entered slowly... Her whole body was stiff... She was looking straight, and  even her eyelids were not falling... She hopelessly sat down on the sofa...

She was happy as her only love of life was now okay but what about her? How will she survive without him now? How will she sleep without his touch... These two years, they only fought, but she never thought that this lack of communication would turn into today's situation...

She was not even allowed to see her baby once after this huge accident... not even once... Abhishek's words were echoing in her ears...

She touched the couch softly...

"You remember, baby.... every winter afternoon, this would be your favorite place... you would lay down on my lap covered in a blanket, and I would make you eat oranges..." (she smiled while sobbing)

"Then when you looked at me, the sunlight would fall on your hazel brown eyes and looked like a dream... a dream that I would love to live forever... You loved the warmth of the sun coming through the balcony, and I loved the warmth of your smile, your voice, your touch... everything...
I don't know how to live without you, baby... I really don't know....
My morning can not start without seeing your face... my night can not end with out listening to your voice once again....but will I stay?"

She looked at the photo of Siddharth that was hanging on the wall in front of her in despair... and then her eyes filled with tears....

/next morning/

Avneet's slowly opened her eyes... She didn't know when she slept on the couch.... She heard a calling bell.... She suddenly got a jerk and happily said...


But soon her smile faded as she realized Siddharth will now never come back to her.... never....
She thought who could be there then she opened the door.... It was Vaishnavi...

"Didi...." (she said in a low voice but her face turned happy) "Please come inside...."

"Avneet I'm here to take Siddharth's clothes...."

"Clothes..??" (She mumbled)

"Yes... and our clothes too..."

"Why??" (She was desperate)

Vaishnavi entered the house and started packing Siddharth's clothes...

"Why di??"

"We are not staying here anymore Avneet... This is your house.... Not ours..."

Avneet sat down on the floor on her knees....

"Siddharth....?" (She asked in despair)

"How do you have the guts to ask about him? Just know he is okay..."

"You all will never come to visit me from now?" (She looked into Vaishnavi's eyes)

Vaishnavi removed her eyes from Avneet and Avneet's eyes filled with tears....

"Today evening Siddharth will be discharged... For now me, Abhishek and Siddharth will stay in a hotel for few days.... Then Abhishek will look for a rented house... Obviously we can not arrange any house so soon... then later he may buy a apartment...."

"But my baby..... (she stopped and lowered her face) I mean Siddharth can not eat hotel foods"

"I know Avneet! I know even better than you! For the last two years who fed him???? Huh???" (She asked boldly) "You don't have to worry about these things okay??? His dada is there, I'm there we will take care of him well! The hotel room has a kitchen, I can cook there... it's like a apartment only.... His dsda knows how to keep him nice... so please"

"Sorry..." (she mumbled) "where is Abhishek dada? How will you take all this luggage alone?"

"He is outside.. in the car.... he doesn't wants to come in and see your face...."

"But it will take time... How long he will wait?"

"He will... you don't worry.."

Siddharth's packing was done so Vaishnavi was about to left the room with the two trolleys when Avneet said...

"But I can't stay without my baby..."

Vaishnavi looked at her and sighed...

"You should have think of this before cheating... We all know you had no sense then... but when you know that a person can loose his/her sense after drinking then why will you Avneet?? A person should know his/limits... Why to attend a Batchelor party when you're married? You fell in the trap by your own choice... And what Siddharth did was so evident... I'm not defending him but obviously when he knows his wife cheated him what else way a man's anger can response? Huh? And Avneet you were becoming to much bold... independence is good but not this much... You didn't even wished him on his birthday just because of your shining life.... Actually you know what? This shock was needed for you!
I don't know what Siddharth will decide but I can never forgive you... And Abhishek also can't...

You don't know Avneet how Siddharth used to cry when you would left him ignored... You just have no idea... Abhishek and I too cried by seeing his condition.... I remember once someone visited you in our house for some work and you hugged him and went with him... after that.... He was literally going to bang his head on the wall.... Everything you did is so irresponsible Avneet... Like you knew how sensitive Siddharth was... You just focused on your business and left Siddharth like he was never in your life.... If you treated him like a choice and obviously he has the right to leave you as a option... No one is disrespecting your love... But love is all about sacrifices Avneet.. Love is not a enjoyable thing all.... Learn from your mistakes Avneet and I hope destiny has written something good for you... Bye...."

She left and Avneet bursted into tears....

[Sometimes being hurt turns us to the right path... I guess Avneet needed thus to come out from her party life... hope your guys liked this chapter... let me know your reviews in the comments.... love ya... byeee]

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