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After all the partying, everyone was naturally exhausted

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After all the partying, everyone was naturally exhausted. It was nearly 2 AM, yet they cherished each other's company so deeply that they continued to laugh and engage in lively conversation.

They were all sitting comfortably on the couch: Siddharth in Avneet's lap, Abhishek in Vaishnavi's lap, and Anushka nestled between them.

Abhishek said, "Avneetay, I must admit that no one can handle Ashu better than you!"

Avneet glanced at Siddharth, smiled, and tenderly kissed his forehead.

"Yes, you know, Vaishnavi and Anushka, she could barely walk from the hospital bed to the car. I had to carry her in my arms. But when Ashu fell unconscious in her arms, she held him without a trace of exhaustion," Abhishek remarked, his face filled with admiration.

"Abhishek, you men are just like little babies, alright? That's why God created women—to take care of you!" Vaishnavi said with a playful smile, winking at Avneet and Anushka. The three of them then high-fived each other and burst into laughter.

Siddharth yawned adorably and said, "Avu, put me to sleep, please."

"Aww, my baby is sleepy? Mm, it's so late..." Avneet cooed.

Abhishek glanced at the clock and said, "Yeah, we're all tired. Let's go to sleep now."

"Yeah," Avneet agreed.

They all rose from the couch, and Siddharth hugged Anushka.

"Bye, cutie," Anushka said, giving him a gentle squeeze.

"Bye, Anu. Good night," Siddharth replied.

Then he hugged Abhishek and Vaishnavi.

"Bye, dada. Bye, diii."

With that, they all went to their respective rooms.

/SidNeet's room/

Siddharth collapsed onto the bed, a deep yawn escaping his lips.

"Today was wonderful, wasn't it, Avu? We had so much fun," he murmured, his voice tinged with exhaustion and contentment.

Avneet gently cupped his face, her eyes brimming with tenderness, and kissed his forehead.

"Yes, my darling," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion, "I never imagined I would see you again."

Overwhelmed by her words, Siddharth felt tears welling up in his eyes. He pulled her into a tight embrace, his fingers clutching her dress as if afraid to let go.

Avneet softly caressed his head, her touch filled with love, and kissed him again, hoping to convey all the emotions words could not express.

Avneet then asked him softly, "Baby, I need to change now so we can sleep, okay?"

"Yesss," Siddharth replied, his voice trailing off with a touch of reluctance.

As Avneet turned to change her dress, Siddharth suddenly grasped her hand and whispered, "No!"

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