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Siddharth got stunned by her question. Obviously, he couldn't understand how the topic arose. He wasn't comfortable speaking about these things now. He didn't want to remember those things at all.

Anu- Sidd, I know you don't want to talk about these things. But please. It's important. You trust me, right?

She held Siddharth's hand tightly.

Anu- Look Sidd, I know you may not trust me or don't wanna talk about these things at all, but believe me, something is not right. I know you feel that, too. And it's important for me to know this, Sidd.

Sid- You also think the same?

Anushka nodded.

Anu- You know how I got this cut on my forehead? Avneet pushed me.

Sid- WHAT?

Anu- Yes, and I don't know, but somehow I can not believe this, Sidd! She can't hurt anyone, nor can she give you prawn.

Sid- Anushka..... I.... I want to tell you something.....

Anu- Yes... tell me, Siddo.... don't be scared....

Sid- When I see her... I don't feel the same way... I mean... she looks the same as Avneet, but her touch doesn't give me that peace... Her eyes aren't loveable like Avneet. The strong perfumes she uses just hang my brain. I can not smell her. Everything is so different.

Anu- Sidd, I know! I know! The strong perfume she uses, oh my God! I feel she wants to hide her smell. You know Avneet's smell...

Sid- Anushka? I.... I... I mean....

Anu- I know this doesn't sound right at all. But don't you think she tries to hide her smell as she knows if you get her smell, you will know that she is not Avneet.

Siddharth got a jerk....

Anu- Sidd... Sidd... calm  down.... please....

Siddharth started shivering... Anushka wrapped him in her arms tightly....

Anu- Sidd, please, you have to be strong... Please tell me... have you had sex with Avneet before marraige?

Siddharth rested on Anushka's chest and held her dress tightly...

Sid- Yes.....

Anu- How did you feel then? I mean, was that relaxing? Did you feel good?

Sid- Yes... so good.... but Anushka... Avneet never forced me or did anything with me without my consent..... But last night....

Siddharth's eyes filled with tears....

Her Baby Boy 2Where stories live. Discover now