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Siddharth was resting on Vaishnavi's shoulder with his half opened weary eyes

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Siddharth was resting on Vaishnavi's shoulder with his half opened weary eyes. Vaishnavi was caressing his forehead to relax him and trying to make him drink a glass of warm milk.

Vaish- My good boy, please drink the milk. You are so weak, Sidd. Please. Dada is getting ready. You complete the glass of milk, and then he will take you to the hospital.

Sid- I'm not a bit hungry didi. I'm feeling too weak. I just want to sleep. [He closed his eyes and tucked his whole face in her shoulder]

Anushka came and sat in front of them.

Anu- Siddo! Please! You have to fight. What's this behavior? Just drink the milk.

Siddharth looked at her and asked.

Sid- Where is Avneet?

Anu- Yes she is coming. She is getting ready. She will also go to the hospital with you.

Siddharth gave a happy smile.

Anushka pressed his cheeks..

Anu- Awww so happy you are! Okay now drink the milk otherwise Avneet will not go!

Siddharth made a face and Vaishnavi and Anushka laughed. After that Vaishnavi and Anushka somehow made him drink half glass.

Abhishek came and slowly made him stand.

Vaish- AVNEET! (calling) COME SOON!

Avu- Yeahhh diiii!!!! Cominggg!!

She came running....

Abhi- It's already late!

Three of them went.

/after few minutes/

Anushka was standing in the balcony. Vaishnavi kept a hand on her shoulder from behind.

Vaish- Why don't you marry ??

Anushka looked at her with surprise.

Vaish- [lowered her face and mumbled] I know Anushka that you can't even think about someone else except Siddharth. But he just loves Avneet. You know that. After so much pain she gave him he only got happy by staying with her. So......

Anushka gave a smile.

Anu- I know didi. You want me to see happy. But I swear di, I'm not a bit sad! I find happiness in his smile. When he is happy, I'm happy! As simple as that. And Didi sorry to say I can not marry someone else as I can not love them.

Vaish- But one sided love hurts like hell Anushka. (Desperately she said)

Anu- I'm eased with that pain didi. I mean now when I see him with Avneet I don't know why but I genuinely feel so happy. When he smiles, it makes my heart smile. Avneet makes him smile and his smile makes me smile. And di you know what it's not like that he doesn't love me. He obviously loves me as his best friend and that's enough! He too cares about me. He never ignores me. It's true that I can not have child with him or I can not say that he is mine, his body, his heart are mine. I can't not say that. But I can say he is my bestest friend and that's all what I need in life. I want his presence, not his love.

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