Designated driver

143 5 7

Natalie's pov :

The delicate mist managed to choke me completely. 'I really need to get better at using perfume.' I remind myself, relaxing again as the light floral sweetness finally graced past my senses.

Standing back, I adjusted my dress slightly in the mirror, where it had ridden up around my thighs.The ochre fabric flowed gently around my figure to its eventual stopping point about an inch above my knees. I took the hem of the sleeve between my short, painted nails and pulled it so that my arm was draped in the fabric from shoulder to wrist. I relished the feeling of security as it clung to my forearms. My light brown waves in the usual pigtails either side of my face ,falling just below my shoulders creating a mask of routine.

Omg I'm all for a good routine

The light layer of mascara I applied earlier now fanned through my lashes with a natural dusky hue and the rosy tone on my cheeks gave me a subtle blush. I didn't bother putting much makeup on for tonight as I knew It would just rub off by itself or one of my friends would. You wouldn't be able to see it through the thick smoke that enveloped the club anyways, the glaring strobe lights the only source of visibility.

I did enjoy going out with my friends, it was great fun!

For about an hour.

After that, my senses became so wildly overstimulated by the sheer concentration of people and the incredibly saturated scent of alcohol and sweat that I either consumed myself with drinks to the point I'd forget to kiss all my teddies goodnight, or just went home solemnly with an apologetic message to the group chat.

It felt like the embarrassing walk home alone kind of night tonight, I had burned myself out relentlessly checking my application to Cadence advisory co like a vulture does to a carcass. It was only a secretary's job but I'm hoping that I can eventually be introduced into the advisory career if I play my cards right. When I saw the ad I realised i actually ticked all the requirements and it was worth a shot, I could immerse myself into anything as long as I had clear instructions.

When I was fourteen my elder brother became a financial advisor and he seemed to genuinely enjoy his job. It fascinates him apparently. Nothing else has worked out for me so far so I thought I'd give it a crack. Start at the bottom and work your way up I guess?

'It's not that I'm not intelligent' I tell myself
'I'm just not paper smart'

I had never done an online interview before this, so I'm praying it was ok.


It'll be fine.

My phone pulls me out of my thoughts to present a big ol' 9:37 on the screen

Shit. I need to go.

I was meant to leave at 9:30 and the girls on the group are going feral at me. To be fair, they have been outside the club waiting for me as my calls went straight to voicemail. My phone is always on silent. People calling me is such a waste of time you know? Just text me!

I yanked my dusky white purse from the vanity and sprinted to the simple grey panel front door. I fumbled with my keys to lock the door and threw them into my purse .


My heels clacked ferociously upon the dusted concrete path as I made a dash to the car.The small but mighty VW growled lowly as I hastily pulled out of the driveway and sped down the dimly lit road. carbon copies of big white houses with oversized windows and manicured gardens of fake grass shot past the window.



The girls are going to be liviidddd.

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