Get in loser we're going shopping

109 4 23

Natalie's pov :

I slumped on my bed, truly defeated. I had completely spent myself just redoing my plaits for bedtime and was literally falling asleep at my mirror. I snuggled under the soft covers and mountains of blankets on my bed between all my plushies. I made sure to hug all of them every night, you wouldn't want them to feel left out right?

I'm not a barbarian

And relaxx..

Just as my conscience started to slip away I was rudely awoken by a notification on my laptop.


WHO dare disturb me when I'm so busy

I huffed dramatically as I leant over to reach the Mac. It hummed awake and displayed a new email.

Hold up.

I clicked on the mousepad slowly at the icon.



Cadence co

We thank you for your time ms Starr , we all thoroughly enjoyed your humorous interview and hope to be seeing you on Monday .We ask that you arrive half an hour before the start of the working day for a brief meeting and induction with our CFO Ms Wills. You will then, if able start your paid trial with us for a week-long period. You may access our uniform policies via our employee portal. For any enquiries please contact this profile.

Kind regards,
Jenny Wilmott


Humorous interview?


I shut my laptop and just sat there in the tranquil darkness of my room.




I have a job I guess?!

A high pitched giggle managed to escape my lips and I threw my head onto the soft pillow behind me.

I guess I better go shopping tomorrow.


Oh wait, today.

- - - - - - - - -

Sleep came easy to me that night, enveloping me in a cocoon of warmth.

I groaned as my alarm had rang for 8:00 am, I darent press snooze.

Gently I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and stared at the ceiling. Realisation dawned on me .


Well, a trial. I don't even know how.I guess my interview was funny?

What does that meannnn

I don't knowwww

But the pay is good and it's only about a 20 minute drive from my bungalow. I'm not entirely caught up on exactly what I do as a secretary but I guess it'll come with time.

I hope it'll come with time.

Pulling the duvet up the bed to create the illusion that I made it was not so easy due to my weighted blanket that clamped it in place. I rearranged all my teddies on the pillows and adjusted the ears on my ballerina-pink rabbit , willow , so that her beaded eyes weren't covered by them.

Sitting down at my vanity I started to re braid my hair for today. As I was doing so, my gaze slowly drifted to my window that presented a dewy green garden. It must've rained in the night.

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