Touch deprived gay

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Natalie's pov :

I slump onto my bed ,falling limply onto my stomach . The heat from the shower has me left weary and my eyes are heavy like sandbags. Yet I just cant help but wonder about her, Ms Wills.

And how i absolutely gay panicked over her today.

On my first day of work.

She's just so-

The way she talked, how she held herself oh god! That and the way she pushed my buttons. She had such a mature air, she simply emanates dominance and power. It was undeniable that I was attracted to her. I am attracted to her. The wet stain on my underwear , strewn in the wash , was not helping my case here. I needed to find out more.

More about her.

I'm going feral.

Boutta wolf out

Huddled under the covers with my Mac upon the bed I opened instagram.

Ohh yeah. I personally didn't see her as an instagram kind of person, and she would definitely have a private account , but I just needed a name. Or the name of a relative?

With 'wills' in the search bar I scrolled through the numerous accounts to try and find any sign of that alluring woman. It was so surprising how she managed to keep her private life SO private , the only photo i could find directly was one she was tagged in.

~with Scarlett ❤️ ~

That's my woman right there.

The image displayed a small group of people in a warm-toned restaurant adorned with a vibrant orange wall.

I literally stared at her in the photo for as long as i would let myself. Her espresso hair was slightly shorter than it is now, and it waved gently as it sat upon a smart army-green pullover. Her smile looked genuine - if you washed over the look of distain in her eyes.

Currently we shared that look.

My heart sank as i looked upon her arm - that was placed lightly around the hip of an aggressive bleach blonde. Undeniably, she was very pretty, but just not my type. My type is her. Scarlett. If that's her type I'm screwed.


no i don't like her like that.

I shan't .

This is normal employee behaviour.


The blonde's hair was slightly longer than Scarlett's, her smile was wide and toothy. The top she was wearing was a striking red with hundreds of triangular cutouts revealing her cleavage. Ah!

I sat for a while and screamed in As.


At least i have her full name.

At least i know she's into women?

Man I'm in too deep.

You know I'm such a fool for youuu



My fingers tapped furiously upon the keyboard as i entered her name into the illuminated searchbar.

I'm so fucking dumb.

The Cadence co. Employees page.

A page literally dedicated to the employees of Cadence co. Where she is Employed.

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