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This chapter contains a tiny spicy dream! Not into great detail but it could be too mature for younger readers, also if you're young why are you reading this? Masturbation :0

After my nightly shower, i was left feeling fresh and utterly sleepy. I perched myself on the edge of my bed. The entirety of my steaming hot shower was spent reminiscing about my earlier encounter with the alluring Scarlett. And that was exactly what i was doing now.

Thinking about her.

The exaggerated airy quality of her ivory blouse was a constant tease and the dominance that she emitted applied unimaginable pressures upon my abdomen. I had practically drowned myself upon her consuming gaze, and henceforth memorised the decadent deliciousness of the features upon her face.

Oh my goodness

I knew this was wrong.

Lain on the plush duvet i shifted mercilessly, trying to find a comfortable spot beneath the hot covers, feeling constricted by my own thoughts.


The file i so desperately needed was hopelessly just out of arms reach. I was constantly taunted by the dark oak bookshelf in the far left corner of her illuminated office.


On my very tippytoes, i leant arched over the structure, my fingertips just grazing the spine of the binder i needed to complete my performance spreadsheet for the appliances we used in the office.

"Need a Hand there?" I recognised the distinct voice immediately.

Oh no

Oh man

" no! I- no im goood" i strained , still unable to reach the object, trying to play off a loss in my balance, now gripping onto the shelving unit to steady myself.

I definitely did need a hand.

I definitely was not admitting it.

Her teasing hot breath fanned over the back of my neck, travelling down my spine. I could feel the impression of her sadistic smile whispered across my skin.

Her nimble hand outstretched beside me and she easily hooked a slender finger over the edge of the binder, causing it to lightly fall into her palm like clockwork.

Oh my god.

With my gaze locked onto the floor , i tried to disguise the heavy red covering upon my cheeks to no avail.

She was right there.


The same nimble finger that had just retrieved the file placed itself underneath my chin, tilting my gaze to meet hers.

Oh boy

I was met with shining eyes, glistening with unholy amusement as they scanned my face.

"You really can't control yourself around me baby?"

It wasn't a question.

I willed myself to speak but no words came out. They just couldn't.

She hummed, amused, as a reply to my wordlessness.

I just stared at her, i simply adored her with every Fiber of my being. I obsessed over the way she walked, the way she talked and how she responded with such grace to every little inconvenience.

And that woman that i obsessed over was now right here. Right in front of me.

" what are you looking for my love?" She stepped closer , the heel of her shoe tapping against the hardwood floor." is this what you want?" her seductive voice trailed off as she snaked a hand around my waist, abruptly pulling our bodies closer.

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