The mortal cup

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I was sitting with Simon in a cafe. Simon is Clary's best friend. Although Simon has a huge crush on her, Clary just doesn't see it. We were waiting for Clary, she is applying to the Brooklyn academy of art.

'What drink do you want?' Simon asked me.

'You really have to ask that?' I asked him sarcastic.

'Right, one hot chocolate with whipped cream and sprinkles on top.' Simon said remembering my order.

He came back with the drinks and Clary soon walked in with a disappointment face.

'Give me the professors names and I will end them.' Simon said.

Me and clary just looked at him with a "really" face.

'You know with a scathing email to the dean.' Simon clarified.

'Yeah the academy is really missing out.' I said while giving Clary a hug.

'Don't bother.' Clary said to Simon about the email.

Me and Simon looked at the letter, there stood in big letter "congratulations"

'What? Sad face, really?' Simon said. 'Well played, well played.'

'I hate you.' I said jokingly to her.

'Thank you, you know it's weird.' Clary said. 'They kind of liked my assigned work, but they flipped out over the drawings from our graphic novel.'

'You're welcome.' Me and Simon said at the same time.

'This day will go down in history as the greatest eighteenth birthday I ever had.' Clary said before looking at me. 'This week is full of celebrations, this one just turned fifteen last week.'

'Which is why we are celebrating tonight. Yes with Maureen after our show.' Simon said.

'Absolutely.' Clary said.

'Do you think mom would let me come?' I asked Clary.

'Maybe if you use your puppy eyes, no one can resist those.' Clary said before she turned to Simon. 'So what is the deal with you and Maureen.'

'What deal? No deal. We sing together.' Simon said as Clary put her biscotti down.

'You seriously don't know she's been crushing on you this whole time?' Clary asked.

'Yeah sometimes it's right in front of your eyes.' I hinted to Clary. I felt Simon kick my leg. I just glared at him.

'Simon how can someone as smart and perspective as you not realize the person sitting right there is in love with you.' Clary said.

'I guarantee you I'm not the only smart, perspective person to make that mistake.' Simon said making me choke on my hot chocolate.

Clary and Simon both looked at me.

'Went down the wrong pipe.' I lied.

I saw Clary looking at her paper which now had a biscotti drawn on there. That's weird clary didn't even eat it.

'That's a latte.' Simon said pointing to Clary's drink, thinking she was looking at that.

'But I could have sworn I had a biscotti.' Clary said.

'Maybe you just ate it really fast and didn't notice.' Simon said. 'Happens to me all the time. When I'm happy, when I'm sad. But I will replace your mystical biscotti with an actual one.'

'Thank you.' Clary said.

'You know what here is to you.' Simon said as we clicked our cups together.

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