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I heard a knock on the door of my bedroom in the institute.

'Come in.' I said.

As soon as I said that Alec, Jace and Clary all came in.

'What, am I in trouble?' I asked jokingly.

'Did you see mom and Valentine in a sort of vision?' Clary asked.

'Yeah, how do you know?' I answered and asked back.

'Did you see anything that can help us to their location?' Alec asked.

'I saw an abandoned building, it had glass windows in them. It looked like a factory. Does that help?' I said while trying to remember details.

'Yes, a lot actually.' Alec said. 'I want that necklace.'

'Why?' I asked him.

'If Valentine can speak to you through that necklace, maybe he can spy on us too.' Jace answered.

'That makes sense.' I said as I handed over the necklace. I heard some voices whispering as I clipped my necklace off but ignored it.

Me and Clary sat by a window seat, still shocked from seeing our mom.

'There you two are, are you guys okay?' Izzy said as she walked up to us.

'We saw our mom, and then your brother.' 'I heard.' Clary said but got interrupted by Izzy.

'And believe me, there have been many times where I wanted to kill Alec.' Izzy said. 'Look I know my brother can be a real pain in the ass, but he means well. That necklace is very dangerous.'

'It was the last gift our mother gave us before she was taken.' I said sadly my hand going up to where the necklace was.

'We take the risk on our own.' Clary said.

'The problem is, you're not on your own. You two are a part of us.' Izzy said before turning to me. 'And your mom isn't just there, she is also here. She raised you to be this person and that is something, no one can ever take.'

'I just wish I knew what to do. I mean all of this, it's so new for us. We do anything to save her.' Clary said.

'I get it. You love her.' Izzy said to us.

'More than anything.' Clary said.

'Always and forever.' I added.

'What's your mom like?' Izzy asks us.

''She's kind, fun, the person you always want to be around.' Clary began. 'My friends used to always want to hang out at our house, just to hang out with her.'

'She will do anything for us. She's protective but let's us free. She watched movies with us till the sun began to rise. We would get into baking fights. There was never a dull moment.' I said.

'She sound more like a friend than a mom.' Izzy said.

'She was both.' Clary said. 'She basically sacrificed her life for ours, and we are willing to do the same for her.'

'Just because you can't have that necklace, doesn't mean you won't see her again.' Izzy said. 'Walk with me and tell me everything about her.'

'So Alec blew right by you and did what he wanted.' Izzy said. 'I'd be angry too.'

'He took the only way we had to see our mom.' Clary said. 'Plus he kept asking what Valentine's room looked like.'

'He was interested in Valentine's style? Fascinating.' Izzy said implying something else.

'No he thought ww might have seen something that could help us find him.' Clary said.

'And did you?' Izzy asked us.

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