The way to hell is not an easy one

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I looked towards the doors and saw Clary, Jace and surprisingly Simon walking in.

Alec and me walked over to them.

'What is going on, why is there a mundane in the Institute?' Alec asked.

'A circle member followed him to get to Clary and Taylor.' Jace explained.

'A Circle rune just like the guys that took our mother.' Clary said for both me and her.

'What exactly is a Circle member and why are they trying to kill us?' Simon asked.

'A long time ago the Circle led a revolt. Shadowhunters got killed.' I explained to him getting surprised looks. 'What, when something happens I like to know the background.'

'Including my father was killed.' Jace said.

'Since the revolt we've been forbidden to even hear about the Circle.' Alec said.

'But how is that even possible? It's your history.' Clary said.

'Says the girl who didn't even know her and her sister were shadowhunters.' Jace said.

'Yeah, you're right and now the only person who knows the truth is missing.' Clary said making me look down. 'So I don't care about your rules or what's forbidden, there's got to be someone out there who can tell us why they've taking our mother.'

'There is.' Jace said. 'You two coming?'

'No, no, no, not you.' Jace said to Simon as he went to follow.

'Hey, we're a package deal.' Clary said.

'There are runes all over the training floor, that could kill your mundie boyfriend.' Jace explained.

'He's not my.' 'I'm not, like.' Both Clary and Simon stuttered to get out making me snicker.

'We're just friends.' Simon explained.

'Best friends.' Clary clarified.

'Yeah and I'm tough, I can handle runes, so bring on the runes.' Simon said.

'Oh please, you even cry when you eat a hot chip.' I said to him.

'That is different.' Simon said while pulling me in a headlock jokingly.

'What exactly are runes?' Simon asked.

'They give Shadowhunters our demon-fighting powers.' Isabelle said while tracing a rune with her stele.

'So hot.' Simon said and Jace cleared his throat. 'The rune.'

'Don't worry Clary, I watch over the best friend.' Isabelle said. 'In fact I was about to make breakfast.'

'On second thought, the runes might be less lethal.' Jace said.

'I pretend I didn't hear that.' Isabelle said. 'Please excuse my brothers lack of manners. This is Alec and I'm Isabelle.'

Isabelle put her hand up for Simon to kiss it but he just shook it nervously.

'Lewis, Simon. Simon Lewis. Two first names. Am I still talking.' Simon said nervous.

'See best friends. Safe and sound here.' Jace said to Clary.

'Jace if anything happens to him.' Clary said.

'Go on I be fine.' Simon said. 'I think.'

'Where are we going?' I asked Jace.

'Training room.' Jace replied.

Me and Clary already went there and Jace came a few seconds later.

I was walking with Jace and Clary.

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