Humans and Angels

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We arrived at Magnus his place.

'What happened?' Magnus asked.

'He was attacked.' Simon said to him while he and Clary held Luke up.

'By an Alpha.' I added.

'He needs a warlock, he needs you.' Clary said.

'Put him here.' Magnus said as he grabbed some white sheets to put over the couch.

'I can't find you, where are... where are you? Where are you?' Luke mumbled clearly out of it.

'Jocelyn.' Luke said.

'No, Luke, it's Clary and Taylor. Can you hear me?' Clary asked him.

'Clary, Taylor, listen to me. Listen to me. I have to tell you just in case.' Luke said.

'No don't even say it, don't.' Clary said.

'Let him speak.' I said to her curious what Luke was about to tell us.

'No, listen to me. You need to know.' Luke said.

'He was bitten by an alpha right?' Magnus asked.

'Yeah, why?' Simon asked.

'Three, two, one.' At one Luke's eyes changed from color to his werewolf eyes.

'Where do you think you're going!?' Simon asked Magnus as he walked away.

'Hold him down.' Magnus said.

'Well easier said than done.' I said struggling to hold him down.

'We don't have a lot of time, it takes a few moments to take effect.' Magnus said.

'What's happening to him?' Clary asked.

'Random werewolf transformation.' Magnus explained. 'It's a side effect of the poison in the Alpha bite.'

It was silent for a while and Magnus was making an antidote for Luke.

'Munchkin why don't you clean yourself up, you have dried blood all over your face.' Magnus said.

'Yeah where is the bathroom?' I asked him.

'End of the hall, on your left.' Magnus said.

'Thanks.' I replied.

I was in the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Is this what my life has become? Getting hurt because of that stupid cup. I held the sink tightly. Don't cry, don't you dare cry. I have to be strong. For Clary, for mom. I grabbed a towel and put some water on it and then cleaned my face. After I looked some what more presentable, I exited the bathroom.

'I know a guy and I don't need him.' I heard Jace say.

'Too bad. You're getting me. We'll be right back.' Simon said.

'And I will be going with them, so they don't kill each other.' I said.

'One more thing, I need Alexander.' Magnus said.

'Why do you need Alec?' Jace asked confused.

'Virgin Shadowhunter energy.' Magnus said.

'That explains so much.' Simon answered.

'Yeah, Alec, I can't.' Jace said.

'Jace just ask, please.' Clary said to him. 'You guys need to talk.'

'Trouble in paradise?' Magnus asked.

'Just don't speak to me.' Jace said to Simon as he walked out of the door.

'So did you give him a call?' I asked Jace as he hung up the phone.

'Yeah and now it's up to him.' Jace said and then turned to Simon. 'Keep up, mundane.'

'Would you stop calling me that? I have a name.' Simon said.

'Well learning it would mean I care, so, no.' Jace replied.

'Yeah and god forbid you care about anyone but yourself.' Simon said.

'I care about a bunch of people. Just don't care about you.' Jace said simply.

'Me, or what. What's it called, your parabatais?' Simon said.

'Whoa, watch your mouth. You don't know a thing about me and Alec.' Jace said. 'We clear.'

'Twenty bucks says he leaves you hanging tonight.' Simon said.

'I bet you ten bucks I will burst off both of your eardrums if you don't stop bickering with each other.' I said making them look at me with wide eyes.

'Was that a threat?' Simon asked carefully.

'More like a promise.' And that shut them both up. Finally some peace and quiet.

'Is this the place?' I asked Jace.

'Yeah, my black market dealer operates out of this building.' Jace said.

'Jezus, you sound like you're gonna buy drugs.' I said to him.

'Cozy, downworlders, I assume.' Simon said.

'Hates mundanes.' Jace said taunting Simon.

'Remember my promise.' I said to him.

'Hang back.' Jace said to Simon.

'I stay with him for his safety.' I said to him.

Jace walked inside, so it was peaceful.

'Thank you.' Simon said.

'For what?' I asked him.

'Standing up for me, looking out for me.' Simon answered.

'No problem, you guys have both big ego's so someone has to put you in line.' I said to him.

'You little punk.' Simon said as he jokingly put me in a headlock. 'Camille?'

Simon let me go and ran towards a stone, he stepped back in shock but I didn't see anything different, only just the ground. What the hell happened to him when he was at Hotel DuMort.

'Run.' Jace shouted to us.

I pulled Simon with me and saw a demon come out of the door that Jace just exited. Jace killed the Demon and we ran like hell.

'Clary!' Simon shouted as we were back at Magnus his apartment.

'Do you have it?' Clary asked.

'Yeah.' Jace said as he handed it to her.

I saw Alec slipping away from Magnus, so I took his place.

'Take all that you need.' I said to him while holding my hand out.

Magnus grabbed a hold of my hand and he looked like he was given a jump start. He looked at me in wonder before focusing on Luke.

I felt some of my energy being drained out of me, but I still felt normal. Clary gave Luke the antidote and Luke wasn't in pain anymore.

Alec was behind Magnus, so when Magnus fell backwards, Alec caught him.

'You okay?' Alec asked.

'Yeah.' Magnus said tired.

'Thank you.' I said to Alec and Magnus for saving Luke.

I was with Clary and Jace.

'I will bet you both twenty bucks, that Magnus and Alec will end up together.' I said to them.

'I think he will end up with someone from the Clave.' Jace said.

'I think he will end up with a fellow shadowhunter.' Clary said.

I cleaned up the living room a little and walked past Luke's room where he was healing.

'So I can't tell Taylor that we have a brother and that Taylor was experimented on by Valentine?' Clary asked Luke.

'No you can't we don't know how she would react.' Luke said. 'There is already so much going on, she needs time to adjust.'

I can perfectly decide that for myself but sure just decide for me.

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