Evil blood

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Me and Rafael brought Simon to the institute. Rafael didn't want war with the Shadowhunters.

'Don't move.' I heard Jace say.

'Drop what you're holding. Put your hands up.' Alec said.

I came into the view along with Rafael who was still holding a dead Simon.

'Oh, my god, Simon!' Clary said shocked.

We put Simon on a table in the basement of the institute.

'People will be wondering what we found outside the perimeter.' Jace said.

'I'll go. I tell them that we didn't find anything.' Alec replied. 'Nobody will come down here.'

'I might be a vampire but I was raised a good Catholic.' Rafael said.

'The vampires breached the Accords.' Isabelle said. 'Killing Simon is grounds for war.'

'It wasn't all of the vampires.' I said to her.

'She is right, the vampires were not behind this.' Rafael said looking thankful at me. 'Just Camille. She attacked Simon on her own.'

'How do we know you are telling the truth?' Jace asked.

'Because I trust him.' I said to Jace. 'And without him I couldn't have gotten Simon here.'

'I don't want trouble with The Shadowhunters.' Rafael added.

'Smart decision.' Isabelle said.

'I warned the mundane to stay away but Camille gave him a taste of her own blood and like an addict he came back wanting more.' Rafael said.

'The only reason Simon ever tasted Camille's blood is because of you.' Clary said angry. 'You kidnapped him! You drug him to Motel DuMort. You delivered him to Camille.'

'I never meant for this to happen.' Rafael replied.

'Simon. Simon, please come back, please!' Clary said breaking down over Simon's body making me rush over to her and pulling her into a hug.

'There is a way.' Rafael spoke up.

"A way" what.' Jace asked.

'A way to bring Simon back.' Rafael said.

'You can do that?' Clary asked hopefully. 'How? How?'

'He's a fledgling. It's a state of transition. Your friend can be resurrected.' Rafael explained.

'No.' Jace said immediately.

'Clary, no.' Isabelle said.

'So I could have Simon back?' Clary asked. 'Alive and breathing?'

'That's just it. He won't return alive or breathing.' Isabelle said.

'Let me guess, he will be a vampire?' I asked her.

'That's right.' Izzy said.

'And not the sexed up, romantic kind.' Jace said. 'The ugly, bloodsucking, coffin-dwelling kind.'

'That's offensive.' Rafael said to Jace.

'Really?' Jace asked sarcastic.

'Coffin implies wooden box. We have caskets now. They're made of 14-karat gold.' Rafael said.

'Oh fancy.' I said impressed.

'My bad.' Jace replied.

'It's almost sunrise.' Rafael stated. 'Simon must be turned into a vampire tonight or staked through the heart.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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