20. Dress

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Chapter Twenty : Dress

Inhale. Exhale.

Calm down, Leighton. It's just your sister. What is there to worry about?

Actually, everything. Is my hair in shape? Is my rolls showing while I'm eating ice-cream? Is my nails neatly manicured? Does my shirt suits me?

Wait, I don't need the answer to the last question. The "your shirt doesn't suit you" note tells it all. I adjusted myself on my seat and looked at her.

" Hey," I started.

She walked closer to me and stopped right in front of me and sighed, like she was frustrated about something about me but decided to ignore it anyway. Probably my shirt. She lifted her gaze from the ground to me. She was as nervous as I am.

" Leighton," said Lyra, her voice kept calm and steady, "Mom told me to come up here to talk." It's obvious Mom told her to do it, judging by her tone. But why?

I nodded slowly and put my ice-cream box away on my table next to me. She glanced at it quickly and I supposed she was hungry too.

She is slim and near to skinny because she never eats food with too much sugar and calories. She used to scold me when I eat those type of food when I was younger and closer to her. Her reputation depended on her beauty. Screw society.

She shifted her feet a little and continued, " She told you about the great dinner we're having tomorrow right?"

I furrowed my eyebrows, clueless.
" What dinner?"

" Well, Mom said she invited a few important people over tomorrow night so she's going to cook us dinner," she shrugged, giving me a quick glance and I returned the look as a sign for her to continue.

She pursed her lips, then continued reluctantly, " She also told me to go shop for a dress for myself and uh..also, for you," she shrugged another time," 'cause you know.."

" I get it."

I knew she was in lost of words because she didn't actually want to continue her sentence so I cut her off. Mom definitely told her to go shopping with me to get me a dress because really, isn't it obvious the reason she's doing it? Mom and Lyra thinks I have the worst fashion sense ever.

My closet just contains whole lot of junk; dark jeans, faded shirts, band tees, ripped jeans, worn-out jeans, skinny jeans and ever-continuing world of jeans. I don't have a dress. Well, maybe only one which Tiffany bought me when we went to Clarissa Maden's party and she forced me to keep it after the party.

Anyway, that dress is too short. I was lucky my mother didn't see me wearing it that time or I would have been killed by then. I sighed and Lyra's voice made me jumped from my thoughts.

" So, Mom said we're going now to get one for you," she said.

I looked at her, to make sure she wasn't joking, " Like, now?"

She lifted her eyebrows at me, like I'm still the unbelievable kid I was," Yes?"

" Alright, I'll get a quick shower first." She left the room and quickly, I got myself ready and headed for a shower. Ten minutes and I was all ready. I tied my hair up in a simple ponytail and got downstairs when I saw Lyra waiting for me already.

" Where's Mom?" I asked, looking around for Mom.

" She's not coming with us, it's just the two of us." The look on her face told me she was probably annoyed by my constant blurness about what's going on. I bet she even considered calling me idiot if it wouldn't been a bad starting to a sisters' outing.

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