13. The Party

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Chapter Thirteen : The Party

My ears felt like bursting. The music was exploding in Clarissa Maden's house which was a few blocks away from where we were parking. My head started to get a little dizzy, probably from the head-pounding music or maybe I'm just nervous. My palms also began to sweat. Okay, now I'm sure it's the second reason.

I held the car handle and looked at Tiffany beside me. She was giving me her cheerful smile at me, encouraging me to go on. I must have look quite scared because she softened her expression and held both my hands.

" It's going to be alright, Lei. I'll be there with you and we can get home early if you don't feel great," she assured me with a warm smile. She hugged me briefly and I could smell the strawberry shampoo in her blonde hair. I felt a rush of security and confidence when she said those words to me.
She is really flawless and such a great friend, unlike me.

She got out of the car first, followed by me after I thanked her mom for the ride. We walked to Clarissa Maden's house where the party was wildly active. When we reached her front lawn, I realized her house was big. Like really big. It was at least three times my moderate house.

Maybe this was why she could have such huge parties and get so popular. I pushed that thought off my mind and smiled at Tiff. I felt my palms still a little cold from the sweat and my stomach was feeling a little weird.

Too nervous, calm down, Leighton. It's just a party. I reminded myself again. When Tiff went into the front lawn fenced with a gate as an entrance, I followed her too.

One word to describe the situation right now : Wow. Literally there were people everywhere, crowding the whole place until I couldn't really make out how big is the place. Most were from my school. Some were dancing, some were talking really loud over the wild music and some were already drunk on benches and sofas.

Red cups were everywhere with god-knows-what they're drinking. So, this is what you call a party I guess. I tried following closely behind Tiff to avoid losing her in the crowd of wasted teenagers. It was hard to follow her since once in a while, there were drunk teens knocking me or blocking my way while slurring their words when they talked some crap I can't comprehend.

I pushed them away and quickened my pace to find Tiff. I couldn't afford to lose her now. I don't even know what I'm gonna do without her right now. Fortunately, I found her after I went inside the house and saw her looking around the living room. I called out to her and she saw me instantly.

She made her way to me and sighed, " Oh god, Lei! I was looking for you. I thought I lost you in the crowd."

I smiled, " Well, at least the lost have been found now."

She just rolled her eyes, " You weren't scared, were you?"

I just shrugged and she suggested that we should go get ourselves some drinks before we got knocked down by some drunken or hormonal teenager. I agreed and made our way where the drinks were. Clarissa Maden's house is really big, trust me. Even getting a drink you can get lost if you don't focus on where you're going. I nearly lost Tiff out of my sight another time so this time she pulled me by my arm to the kitchen.

We reached there and Tiff took a plastic cup and filled it with sprite. Just when I was about to take a plastic cup, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I saw Tiff's face suddenly brighten up and she looked at me playfully. Huh?

I turned around and saw a pair of natural green eyes. A hazel brown haired boy was looking at me with two cups in his hands. He was wearing a dark blue t-shirt with denim jeans, adding into his attractiveness.


I felt my cheeks a little heated up and said, " Uh-hey."

Smooth, Lei, smooth. I felt a thousand questions in my mind as I wondered why did he tapped on my shoulder. I could still feel his light tap lingering on my left shoulder. Stop dreaming, Lei. Come back to reality.

" Hey. I didn't expect you here," he spoke and chuckled softly after that. I wonder if he does that when he's nervous because I remembered the last time I saw him, he did that too. He stared at the ground for a second, both of his cheeks tinted pink.

I gulped. Shit, what should I do? It's Austin. What the heck should I do? I glanced at my best friend, asking for help but she just wiggled her eyebrows at me and walked away to a group of girls and started chatting. Such a best friend I have. I'll deal with her later.

I looked back at Austin and caught his beautiful green eyes staring at me. I fiddled with my purse nervously and said, "I came here with my friend, Tiffany. How about you?"

Oh my god, Lei. You're so lame.

He smiled and said," Yeah, I came with Brent and Dylan." Dylan and Brent were also popular guys, mainly for their looks and the fact that they were also on the soccer team.

" That's great." I returned the smile back. If I had to stand so near to him any longer, I think my legs will start to wobble soon. He suddenly looked as if he realized something and held out one of the cups in his hands to me.

I gave him a quizzical look and he said, " It's for you."

I thanked him and took it from him. I looked at the cup with purple water in it. I heard his light laugh and he said, " Don't worry, I didn't spike it. I wouldn't do that to a girl like you."

Heat rised up to my cheeks once again and I gave him a small smile. I don't know why but I feel that I could trust him. I knew he wasn't the type of guy that would do such a thing to a girl. I took a gulp.

I was about to ask Austin something but I saw a golden-haired guy patted him on his back. He had a well-built figure and he looked popular. Probably one of his friends he stated just now. I think it is Brent.

" Hey, bro. It's still early and you're already hitting on some chick," he said in his deep voice to Austin.

I saw Austin's face pink cheeks turned into a darker pink. The fact that I was being called a 'chick' gives me an uneasy feeling and I don't like that feeling. I slowly backed away while they chatted so I wouldn't feel awkward.

They continued talking a little before Brent invited him to join him with his other friends at the large living room. Austin gave me a little wave and mouthed " see you later " before heading off with his friend.

I felt a sudden loneliness again so I wandered around, looking everywhere for Tiff. I took out my phone and called her. Nope, no answer which isn't suprising because of the loud music blaring. She shouldn't have leave me just now. I would totally kill her when I find her.

I went to another part of the house where I assumed is another sitting room and the disco ball was held at the ceiling with colourful lights shining around the room. I quickly avoid the dancing teenagers and saw some rooms. Probably I could just wait in there for Tiff to finally reply my call since I'm not a party person.

There was a room with its door left ajar. Well, I could use that room for a while. I clasped my purse closely to my side and pushed the door slightly. It was quite dark but I didn't mind so I stepped into the room.

In my whole life, that was the worst mistake I've ever made. Guess what?

Jackson McLean and Clarissa Madens were in there, kissing madly like there is no tomorrow.

A/ N
Hello loves! Sorry for the slow update again. Sooo how was it? Bad or good? Probably bad for most of you so tell me who do you ship Leighton with?
#Leison or #Auston? ;)
Comment below on whose side you're on! :P

p.s. Just in case you didn't realize, I changed my name fron 'cuddlycalx' to 'calpuccino' haha I'm bored ok so pardon me. Tiff's outfit to the party is basically Taylor Swift's dress after her gym workout because Tiff and Tay share the same personalities in this story so yeah ( I think )

Lastly, please..

Cliffhanger lover,
Daphne x

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