5. Just Great

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Chapter Five : Just Great

Do you know those days where you just want to shut yourself out from the world out there and just live a small no-drama-needed personal life? Yeah, that's pretty how much I feel right now. Life just can't get any better for me.

I was in my History class with my teacher, Mrs Boring (not kidding, that's really her name) blubbering around about some world war or something and I just couldn't help but space out sometimes. Those were the times I just couldn't care much. I stared out of the window and look at a flock of birds flying freely in the cloudy blue Thursday sky.

I felt lonelier than ever after Alexa had left me. Eventhough I was unsure of her reason why but I had to bare with it. I'm always forgotten and left behind by others so you could say I'm used to it. Aside from her, I didn't have any friends so technically I'm just lonely.

My daydreaming was then stopped by someone calling my name.

" Miss Parker, I'm afraid that you have to stay back for detention tomorrow as you were daydreaming the whole time," said Mrs Boring in a stern tone while staring at me with her bulging eyes just above her tiny glasses which is perched on her nose. Seriously, who wears that type of so tiny tweeny glasses? How do you even see through the lenses when it's already so small? I was pulled out of my thoughts again by her sudden raise of voice again.

" Miss Parker, are you listening to me or not?" She had a more impatient and frustrated look on her face.

" Uh, yeah, sure, Mrs Boring," I answered quickly.

" I'm expecting you at this class tomorrow afternoon with Mr Jackson McLean. Yes, Mr McLean?" she said and diverted her gaze to a blonde haired boy.

What? Why do my life gets worse everytime? Why him? Damn, tomorrow's going to be a damn hard day for me.

" Yes, Mrs. Boring," Jackson replied with a smirk on his face and for one millisecond, I swear I saw him looked at me right into my eyes. Shit. Did he remember me or something? Heat rushed through my face as I felt my heart did a funny backflip. This is going to be a real bad idea.

" I hope this detention could teach you two a lesson to pay more attention in class," Mrs Boring said, still having her cold stare at both of us.

"Just great, just great," I muttered to myself, quiet enough to be not heard by any other people.

With that, the bell rang and the class was over. Lucky, I was about to die from embarassment. All the other students left the classroom and I made my way to my locker. Soon, the corridors were filled with noise and talking or laughing. It was lunch and I could feel my stomach groaning like a dying whale for food. But just then, I heard my name from behind.

" Hey, I mean, hi," I turned and saw the same girl at the toliet from two days back and if I'm not wrong, I think her name is Tiffany. " Are you okay now?" she asked with a smile, trying not to make it awkward.

What? Did she still remember about that incident? Wait, did I just realize that someone actually cares for me? Whoa, backup. No one cares for me, right? They will eventually leave you somehow or some way, Leighton. Stop confusing this small things with caring. Stay with your walls kept strong. And you won't get hurt anymore.

I gave a slight smile and said, "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks."

" You're welcome, I'm glad you're okay," she said again, giving me a silly smile that reminds me badly of those days where you're just a kid and you just have nothing to worry about in the world out there. Geez, how I hope I'm still a kid.

I didn't say anything so she began to speak again, " Hey, uh, do you want to eat with me today at lunch?"

She looked at me with her puppy eyes and lifted her eyebrows waiting for my answer. I was still considering but before I could answer, she said in a nervous tone, " Urhm, I just feel pretty lonely eating alone so yeah."

She ruffled her long wavy blonde hair and stared at the ground, clearly nervous for a reply. I didn't want to break her heart and the idea of eating with her at lunch wasn't bad at all as I'm also always eating alone so I answered, " Yeah, sure, that would be great."

I gave her a smile but this time, a more sincere smile from my heart. She did the same back at me and we started to walk to the canteen together. Today, I was having sandwich for lunch and couldn't wait to stuff my face into my sandwich.

" So, this's so weird that you know my name but I don't know your name-," she said.

I cut her off before she finished her sentence and said while grinning, " I'm Leighton." I don't know why but I'm quite excited when I know I'm gonna get a new friend soon.

" Nice name, Lei. Can I call you Lei?"

" Sure, can I call you Tiff?"

" Of course, normally people call me that."

We then both smiled and chat a little more about general topics like the latest news or about our teachers and yes, she is sixteen years old just like me. We sat down at a table and I quickly started munching on my sandwich while Tiff ate her burger that she bought.

" Do you know who's Mrs Boring?" I asked after I swallowed one satisfiying bite of my sandwich.

" What? Boring?" She then started bursting into laughter, couldn't believed what she had just heard.

I started laughing with her too because of her face that is so funny when she laughed. A few people were looking at us, thinking we had some serious laughing problem but I couldn't care less about what they think. I was finally feeling happy for a moment and I wouldn't want to ruin it. After a few minutes, we began to calm down a little and she started asking again.

" Are you serious? Mrs Boring, seriously? " she said, trying not to laugh.

" Yeah, not kidding, that's her name," I replied, trying to have a serious face.

" Okay then. So, what's wrong with this 'Mrs Boring' teacher?" she continued while air quoting 'Mrs Boring'.

" It's true and she detented me for tomorrow 'cause I wasn't paying attention in her class."

" Awh, I pity you," she said, giving me a duck face.

" Gee, thanks. And you know what? There's this gu-"

Before I could complete my talking, a person's hand was placed on our table, startling me and Tiff. We looked up from our table and guess what? My life just couldn't get any better, eh?

It was a smirking Jackson McLean.

Just great.



Hey readers! So how was it?

I'm sorry for the cliffhanger!

But anyway, more excitement are coming up so stay online! (:

Thanks for reading ya!



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