2. Crushed

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Chapter Two : Crushed

I was so stunned that I did not even remember there was an empty seat next to me until the seat was taken by a blonde haired boy. Wait, what? Blonde haired boy? I faced to him to have a closer look. Oh crap. Jackson McLean. Why? Why him? Of all times, why now is there a empty seat next to me?

I spaced out so much just now that I missed out his introduction. Why is he here? He is Jackson freaking McLean. He was my very first crush.

He was in my school before but then, he disappeared and no one really knew why. I have to admit though that his looks still never fails to amaze me. Oh no. I'm falling for him again. Stupid girl, you will never stand a chance! Stop with the nonsense!

My thoughts were interrupted by the squeaky girls' voice. Pfft. Flirting again. I rolled my eyes and heard one of them said while giggling flirtatiously, " Hey, Jackson. I'm Stephanie. Nice to meet you."

Another said with her eyelashes battling, " And I'm Nicole. I can give you a tour around this school if you want, Jackson."

" Uh, it's okay. Thanks by the way," replied Jackson while shooting her a dashing smile before she giggled girlishly.

Ew, why do girls always giggle? I mean like I don't even know how to giggle. Seriously, I don't know how. I know I am weird. Before all the girls could rush to him and ask him more silly questions, Mrs Madeleine started the class immediately.

During the whole class, I found myself staring at him and wondering if he remembers me. He had not look at me once yet and it kills me. Silly me, how could he even remember me? I am always and forever the unnoticed one. No one will ever notice me unless they wanted something from me before they forget me. Well, at least I'm used to it.



The class ended and I went to my locker to put my books again. It was lunch time. I was about to walk away to the canteen but I stopped when a hand was placed on my shoulder. My heart beat got faster. Could it be him?

I turned around quickly and saw Alexa in front of me. Disappointment filled me for a second but I immediately covered it with a bright smile. Alexa is a tall, slim, fit and cheerful girl. She is one of my close friends. She also has stunning looks and her gorgeous brown hair always have me in awe.

The only reason she is my friend is because she pitied me. It is always the reason people are my friends. All they ever look at me with is all about pity. It is either they pity me because I am always alone or they needed something from me. Well, for her, I think she only needs me to teach her Mathematics because during weekends, she will always come to my house for tutoring. At least that is what I feel like, always being used.

" Oh hey, Alexa," I greeted.

She avoided eye contact with me and I knew there was something wrong. After hestitating a bit, she then looked at me before she started to speak.

" Leighton, I've got something to tell you," she said in a worried tone.

" What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

" I'm fine. It's just that my mom told me that she thinks that you don't have to tutor me anymore," she replied.

I lifted my eyebrows, clearly confused. She sighed and started to walk with me to the canteen.

" She got me another home tutor because she said that my progress is too slow. Exam is near and she is worried about my progress. Plus, my mom doesn't like you so yeah," she explained, but winced after she finished the last sentence.

Her mom doesn't like me? What? What did I even do to make her dislike me? I told you, people will always use me and forget about me later. I don't know why. I sighed and smiled half-heartedly to her.

" It's okay. I am sure your new tutor will help you better," I reassured her eventhough deep down, I felt sad.

She looked at me with guilt in her emerald eyes. I saw it again. It was pity. I hate it.

" Hey, you don't have to feel pity for me. Your mom dislikes me and it's okay," I told her.

" S-Sorry, Leighton," she managed to say.

I smiled at her to reassure her that I am fine. " Now, let's get lunch before we starve to death," I said in a more cheerful tone.

She gave me a smile and answered,"Okay."

I did not tell her that actually I feel crushed after she told me that. Now, my weekends will be much more boring than ever.



Hey lovelies! Here's the second chapter! I hope you love it.

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