a/n: important!

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author's note:

hello loves!
i apologize in advance that this is not an update but a really important announcement so please read till the end.

so currently, i'm going to be sitting for my exams [being a student sucks, really] and it will probably takes up to three weeks of my time. so therefore, you got it! ha! i can't update at all. for sooo long. (most likely until 19/9) sighhh [honestly i hate letting people wait but it's just how it is.]

i could simply type out some drafted scraps of writing and upload a new chapter like RIGHT NOW but it wouldn't be the best quality you'll get and i wouldn't want that. i don't want to write just for the sake of updating. i write for my passion. for my readers. so i make sure i give the best quality in my work.

hopefully, you'll understand how i feel and that you'll be patient with me because i really need the support from y'all 💛 (you can check out my poetry book while waiting, tsk tsk)

to not end this a/n on a too serious note, here's a question for you guys:

have you watched the netflix movie 'to all the boys i've loved before' ?

i watched that last week (while i'm obviously procrastinating on my studying) and lemme tell you, that movie really got me in my feels aaaaa the couple is SO cute!!! not to mention peter kavinsky got everyone heart-eyed throughout the whole damn movie lmao.

if you haven't watched it and you're into some good rom-coms, i definitely recommend it to you guys!!

if you have, what's your favourite scene from the movie? comment here! [spoilers warning to non-watchers!!!]

okay that's all for my note for now. i promise to find a time to update asap right after my exam season!

remember to stay hydrated and stay safe loves 💙
if you have any enquiries or just wanna talk, don't be shy to post a message on my board or send me a pm!

— daphne x

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