Our Next Move

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After Y/N got dressed and stretched a bit, he headed downstairs and looked around.

Y/N: BF/N? Where you at?

No response.

Y/N: BF/N! *whispers* Oh, for fuck's sake. *shouts* BF/N!!!

He then heard the sound of banging in the room behind him. The door then opened and BF/N was seen with messed up hair and ragged clothes.

BF/N: *tired* The hell, N/N?

Y/N: Have you forgotten what today is? It's the day of the interview! For you and me!

BF/N: *tired* I haven't forgotten.

Y/N: Oh, yeah? Then, why does the time say 7:43?

BF/N: *tired, yawns* Good point. A-Alright, fine. Fine. I'm up. Just give me a minute.

Y/N: We don't have a minute. ... *sighs* Fine. If you need me, I'll be outside. *walks away*

BF/N: Remind me to never let him sleep past 9.

After a while, as Y/N was standing around outside, he heard the door open and looked to see BF/N dressed up neatly.

BF/N: Hey, sorry for the wait.

Y/N: You're the one who set up this thing up, remember?

BF/N: ... O-Okay, so I had a bit of fun partying overnight.

Y/N: *really? look*

BF/N: What? I'm being serious.

Y/N: Hmph. Let's just get going. We need this job. And I'm not getting turned down because we're late.

BF/N: N/N, just calm down, okay? Look, I know that you've been looking forward to this job and I get it. I am, too, but... Are you sure about this?

Y/N: ...

BF/N: N/N... You've been so hard on yourself ever since your mom died. Why?

Y/N: Because I'm trying to be like everyone else! I'm tired of being... different than everyone. I wanna be as normal as them.

BF/N: And you think getting a job is normal? N/N, people have been struggling to do their jobs because their bosses are dick heads. Are you sure you want to work at a place like that?

Y/N: Well, what choice do I have, BF/N?

BF/N: You always have a choice, pal. Whether you know it or not.

Y/N: Well, I'm tired of sitting at home, doing nothing. At some point, I'll have to fend for myself when you're not around. You took me in, remember?

BF/N: My grandparents took you in. We're best friends/brothers, N/N. Through thick and thin, we have each other's backs. Look, the world's fucked up, N/N. Just because they say they're hiring, doesn't mean they are.

Y/N: Well, it can't hurt to try. I just... want to be like everyone else.

BF/N: ...

Y/N: So, please, let's just go and get this over with.

BF/N: ... Okay.

They both hopped into the car and drove to the city. After a while, they arrived at the place, but to their disappointment when they went to apply for a job, they were turned down. Frustrated, Y/N left the building in a huff.

BF/N: N/N, wait! We can talk about this.

Y/N: Leave me the fuck alone, BF/N!

BF/N: Please, think before you do something stupid!

Y/N: All I've ever done is stupid shit, BF/N! Back at school, everyone made fun of me because I was different than everyone else! What's so different about me?

BF/N: Nothing, N/N! Don't let them play with your mind. You're not like that, at all.

Y/N: Then, what am I, BF/N? If I'm just like everyone else, why don't I fit in? I can't even get a fucking job! I've tried countless times to get a job, yet every time I do, nothing works out the way it's supposed to! Why?!

BF/N: Because like I said, the world's screwed up. Look, people always look for excuses and lies to tell other people.

Y/N: Exactly why I don't want a girlfriend as half-assed or hungry.

BF/N: N/N, if you want to live a normal life, then think about how you're supposed to find a job and a girl.

Y/N: ... I don't think "normal" even exists in this reality.

BF/N: Exactly!

Y/N: *stops & turns around, confused* What?

BF/N: N/N, you aren't normal. Nobody is normal. People are mysterious and different in their own ways. The fact that you're not wanting a girlfriend or you're having a hard time looking for a job means something.

Y/N: How? I'll end up alone and homeless.

BF/N: Not as long as I'm here. Look, you don't have to go and find a girl, but let me take care of finding a job.

Y/N: What? BF/N, I don't want to do that to you.

BF/N: You barely know how to take care of the bills. The last time you tried, you almost committed tax fraud or something like that.

Y/N: ...

BF/N: N/N... I love you like you're my little brother. And I'm gonna do the best I can to look after you. I promise. Besides, we're both young, so... We're going to live for a while.

Y/N: ... *sighs* I just...

BF/N: I know. Believe me, I do.

Y/N: ... So, what now?

BF/N: We head back to the house. You go do your thing while I plan our next move.

Y/N: Are you sure, BF/N?

BF/N: Course I'm sure. Trust me. Just... Hang in there. We'll think of something.

Y/N: Kinda hard for me to do my thing when there's a lot I'm worried about.

BF/N: Let me take care of your worries. And remember, fear...

Y/N: ... is just a thing my brain likes to use against me.

BF/N: Atta boy. Come on. Let's head back and plan our next move.

They walked away as BF/N wrapped his arm around Y/N.

Y/N: BF/N?

BF/N: Yeah?

Y/N: Are you still looking for a girlfriend?

BF/N: I've been trying, but... You know how women are.

Y/N: *sighs* Why are these people the way they are?

BF/N: I don't know. But, I know that one thing's for sure. Things will be better if we believe they will. Because hope is something people turn to when there's nothing to believe in.

Y/N: Right... Thanks, BF/N.

BF/N: You're welcome.

They continued to head to their house as the clouds were starting to build up water, giving way to rain.

HUMAN & HELLHOUND: Welcome to My Life (Loona Lovelorn x Male Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now