Trouble Amongst Family

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The next day, Y/N was seen eating cereal while reading a newspaper. However, when he saw a familiar photo of a certain someone, something in him got the rise out of him and he got angry to see none other than Henry Grelka becoming mayor. Upon seeing this, Y/N gritted his teeth in anger and yelled out as he tore the paper apart, scattering the paper everywhere. BF/N then entered the kitchen.

BF/N: Jesus, N/N... What was that for?

Y/N: *sighs annoyed* My father...

BF/N: Henry? It's been a while since you've mentioned him. What's happened?

Y/N: He... became mayor of Quandotopilis.

Upon hearing that, BF/N's eyes widened and he gasped.

BF/N: W-What?! Henry?! But, how?!

Y/N: Hell if I know. Glad to see he's doing well.

BF/N: *thinking* Oh, shit. N/N's in this state. *normal* N/N, calm down. It's gonna be okay.

Y/N: What the fuck are you talking about?

BF/N: Look, it's been a long time since you've seen him. Maybe he won't remember you.

Y/N: ... Thanks for making me feel better.

BF/N: N/N, I'm being serious. If Henry becomes mayor, he'll probably have access to everything. You name it. And maybe... Maybe he'll take you back.

Y/N: ...

BF/N: But, knowing you, you won't go out without a fight.

Y/N: *seethes angrily* You bet your ass. *bangs fist against table*

BF/N: Jesus! What the hell?

Y/N: Sorry. Just hearing about Henry reminds me of back then. When I lost my mother. And the Hell I was forced to be put through.

BF/N: ... I know. Well, hopefully, that won't happen. I'd hate to lose you to your father.

Y/N: *sighs* Yeah...

Suddenly, they heard knocking at the door. They looked at the door, unsettled.

Y/N: You getting a bad feeling, too?

BF/N: Yup. N/N?

Y/N quickly got up and hid somewhere while BF/N approached the door and opened it, revealing two bodyguards.

Guard #1: BF/N L/N?

BF/N: Who's asking?

Guard #2: Mayor Henry has sent us here on his behalf. Is N/N here?

BF/N: "N/N"? Who the hell's that?

Guard #1: Don't play the dumbass game! We know Y/N is here. We've been tracking him for a while.

BF/N: Assholes. You have no respect for a person's personal life!

Guard #2: He's under the contract of Henry Grelka. He's the boss's responsibility, so hand him over.

BF/N: Even if I was willing to do so, what do you intend to do with him?

Guard #1: None of your business.

BF/N: Wrong. It's my business when it's his business. You're welcome to try and take him, but you're not getting past me.

Guard #2: *takes out cash* Would this change your mind?

BF/N looked at it for a brief moment.

BF/N: ... Deal...

The guards smirked and handed him the cash.

HUMAN & HELLHOUND: Welcome to My Life (Loona Lovelorn x Male Human Reader)Where stories live. Discover now