Breaking Out

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Back with Y/N and Loona, they kept struggling to try and break free from the rope wrapped around them, but no luck.

Y/N: Damnit! ...

Loona: ... H-Hey, N/N?

Y/N: Yeah?

Loona: I'm starting to understand why you want your father dead. He's a fucking asshole amongst assholes.

Y/N: That's one way to describe him. I just don't understand how he became the mayor! It fucking pisses me off!

Loona: ...

Y/N: *sighs* I'm sorry, Loona. I never meant for you to get wrapped up in my family mess.

Loona: *eyes widen*

Y/N: Once we get out of this fucking mess, I understand if you don't want to see me, again. Guess I ruined your record of badassery. ... I mean, if I'm being honest just in case we don't get out of this, I want you to know that I don't regret meeting you. And I never meant for you to get hurt or anything. To me, you're someone worth protecting. I know that I probably sound like Blitzø, but... I never meant for you to get hurt. Or raped. And in case you're thinking I'm just saying this just to soften you up and get you where it hurts, I never had any intention of doing that. I really wanted to be your friend.

Loona: ... It's reassuring that you're telling me this, N/N. But... You're worrying over nothing.

Y/N: H-Huh?

Loona: N/N... If it makes you feel better... I don't regret meeting you, either. Because honestly... I was starting to like you.

Y/N: Y-You did? Why?

Loona: Because you were never into my body from the start. You never wanted to fuck me. But, I had my guard up against you because... I was told all of those things countless times when I was young. I... couldn't tell if you were telling the truth or lying.

Y/N: Loona... I would never lie to you. What do I need to do to help you understand?

Loona: ... *smiles* A few minutes ago... When Henry was hitting me... you were trying to get him off of me. Not many people have ever done that.

Y/N: ... This is a little too fast, don't ya think?

Loona: Relax. I'm not saying I love you or anything. I'm just saying that... I trust you. But, keep it up, okay? Because when I told Moxxie that I was better off without friends... I was lying. You're the first friend I've ever made and... I don't want either of us to do anything to ruin this new friendship of ours.

Y/N: ... Heh. Me neither. Honestly? You're my first friend, too.

Loona: What? But, BF/N...

Y/N: Is my brother-in-arms. I mean, he is my best friend, but he's also my brother. Excluding him, you're the first friend I've ever made. And honestly, even though I'm worried that I might do something that'll mess up this friendship of ours, I fail to see how someone so talented and beautiful like you could ever be able to fuck this up.

They both blushed at that and stayed silent for a moment.

Loona: *blushing* ... Th-Thanks, N/N. For being here and for being my friend.

Y/N: *blushing* Y-You're welcome. And thank you for... giving me a chance. I promise I won't fuck this up.

Loona: *smiles softly* ... Hey, thanks for the talk. Gave me enough time to do this.

Y/N got confused until the rope around them suddenly got loose and fell to the ground.

Y/N: H-How did-

Loona: Trust me. I'm full of surprises.

Y/N: Hehehe. You're so fucking cool.

Loona: *blushes* Th-Thanks. *normal* Come on. Let's get the hell out of here.

Y/N nodded and they rushed out the door and ran to the exit. After a while, they got outside and looked around to see a lot of guards on the ground and BF/N at the security door.

Y/N: BF/N!

BF/N: *turns around* N/N! Loona! Thank fucking God you two are alright.

Y/N: And thanks for coming to get us.

Loona: How'd you find us?

BF/N: I followed the license plate of the car that took you two.

Y/N: You did? I've never known you to do that.

BF/N: I'll explain later. For now, we have to get out of here.

As soon as he said that, the door opened and they ran out the door.

Y/N: Hey! *hands Loona her phone* I think you dropped this.

Loona: *takes phone* Thanks!

They continued running for a while while Henry was looking around.

Henry: No... NO!!! How the fuck is this possible?! It couldn't have been that brat! There's no way! Grr! ... That's it. *presses button on wristwatch* Attention, all security staff! Find Y/N and hunt him down! I don't care who or what stands in your way! JUST! FIND! HIM! And kill... that boy and his girl. NOW!!!

The guards from all over the building began to grab their weapons and raced outside the door. Henry watched as they did.

Henry: ...

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