EPILOGUE: What Went Down

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After a while, Y/N and BF/N were able to pile up the dead bodies, even though they did gag a bit. After BF/N grabbed a lighter from the guard, he grabbed a piece of clothing and lit it on fire before throwing it on the pile and soon, the bodies were caught on fire.

Y/N: ...

BF/N: What happened, N/N? You seem... shocked.

Y/N: ... There was... some kind of werewolf or something... I-I heard howling and followed it to here, but I was met by some kind of wolf creature. I-I couldn't tell.

BF/N: A wolf? N/N, wolves aren't known to be around Quandotopilis.

Y/N: Well, this one was! And I think I was hallucinating, but... The wolf looked... familiar.

BF/N: Familiar?

Y/N: Yeah. It had the same clothes as Loona.

BF/N: *eyes widen*

Y/N: And, again... It could've been my imagination, but... It spoke.

BF/N: The wolf spoke?

Y/N: Yes. It said my name. In Loona's voice.

BF/N: *eyes widen* Whoa. That's freaky shit, there.

Y/N: *sighs* I don't know. I was panicking. I was scared. I-I don't know what the hell happened. Fuck...

BF/N: ... Well, once we get this done, we'll go ahead and get some sleep at Grandma's house.

Y/N: Okay. I hope Loona's okay. Today has been super crazy.

As they stood there, Loona watched as they burned the bodies. She was glad that they were cleaning up the mess she left behind, but she was scared to show her face to Y/N and BF/N after what happened. She leaned back against the wall and grabbed the grimoire from her hair.

Loona: ...

She carried guilt and sympathy in her face as her expression softened. She sighed and opened a portal to Hell. She then went to her desk and sat down in her chair and waited for Blitzø and the others to get back. As she did, she thought about what happened, today.

Loona: Can't believe I almost lost myself. I nearly got N/N killed! But, what was he doing back there, anyway? Was he... *eyes widen* W-Was he worried about me? ... But, he saw me in my hellhound state. ... I'm glad BF/N was there, but for some reason... I'm regretting what I did. Goddamnit... Why is this so fucking complicated?!

After a while, those thoughts haven't left her mind, but she got a message from Blitzø, telling her to bring them back. She grabbed the grimoire and opened a portal for Blitzø and the others as they walked in.

Moxxie: Well, you sure took your damn time.

Loona scowled at him and kicked him to the ground before walking away. Millie took the chance and followed her.

Millie: *closes door* Loona! Loona, wait!

Loona: *turns around* Oh. Hey, Millie.

Millie: So, how was it?

Loona: How was what?

Millie: How was your time with N/N?

Loona: Oh. I-It was okay.

Millie: ... Why do I hear hesitation?

Loona: ... Because... I think N/N has seen my true nature.

Millie: Huh?

Loona: *eyes widen* ... H-He, um... He saw me... for who I was... before I met him.

Millie: ... *eyes widen & gasps* Oh.

Loona: Yeah... And now... I'm scared.

Millie: Scared? Why?

Loona: I'm scared that he'll reject me if I go back to see him. I already scared him. I... I almost hurt him.

Millie: ... Well... You can't let that stop you from wanting to see him, again.

Loona: What?

Millie: Loona, you told me that N/N is a nice guy who doesn't see you as a sex toy. So, maybe he'll understand if you talk to him, again.

Loona: Maybe, Millie?

Millie: Hey, anything's better than nothing, right?

Loona: ... Why do you care so much about this? I've treated your husband like shit.

Millie: And I don't blame you. But, I just want you to be happy. And don't worry. Blitzø doesn't know anything about this.

Loona: ...

Millie: Look, I'll tell you what. Just hang tight until you think the time is right, but don't take too long. You'll worry N/N.

Loona: Why would I worry N/N?

Millie: Because he's gonna think that he did something wrong or something.

Loona's eyes widened at that. She doesn't understand why she's like this, but deep down, she cares about Y/N. And for some reason, she didn't want anything bad to happen to him, even though Y/N is a human, but Loona didn't care if he was.

Loona: ... Millie? ... You said that... humans are full of nasty secrets. And that they'll jump at the chance to... fuck someone like me. But... What if... there's a chance that... there's a human who doesn't think that way?

Millie: *eyes widen* ... W-Well... I'm not sure. I mean, demons are forbidden to show their true nature to humans unless they do it and kill them. It... can leave an impact on people.

Loona flinched at that, believing she may have screwed Y/N up and herself.

Loona: ...

Millie: ... Loona... Why do you ask that?

Loona: ...

Millie: It's not like you to ask me this.

Loona: Shut up! Just... Fuck off! *walks away*

Millie watched as Loona walked away, leaving her confused.

Millie: It's not like her to talk to me about humans... Unless... *eyes widen* Wait a second...! Loona...

Loona: ...

Millie: H-Has she... befriended a human?!

HUMAN & HELLHOUND:Welcome to My Life(Loona Lovelorn x Male Human Reader)END

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Welcome to My Life
(Loona Lovelorn x Male Human Reader)

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