Tell it to the Frogs

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As Morales sits next to Rick giving him the directions to their camp, he quickly realizes that the sheriff is upset over the Merle situation," Best not to dwell on it. Merle got left behind. Nobody's gonna be sad he didn't come back... except maybe Daryl."


"Yeah,   His brother"

Suddenly hearing a car alarm both men look out the window to see Glenn zooming past the van in a red muscle car,  "At least somebody's having a good day." Morales says with a smile.

Back at the camp, Jim works on an alarm system. He's strung empty food cans between trees at some parts of the camp. Rattling the cans and making sure they were sturdy.  Some of the children ran around in the camp playing tag, laughter filling the air.

Deciding to keep a still sullen Amy company, Lilian decided that the two girls would take the younger kids swimming. Summer was the Horvath girl's favorite season and she knew it wouldn't be around much longer. She also quickly noticed that some of the kids were bored out of their minds and starting to cause their parents a bit of a headache. Already changed into her bathing suit she makes her way to the tent that was currently the home to a young girl named Sophia. Knowing that the Peletier family was a bit rough, Lilian was instantly relieved to see Sophia sitting in front of the tent playing with her doll. " Hey Soph! Wanna go swimming ?"

Sophia nervously looked at the blonde woman and then back at the tent where her father was asleep, hoping that this interaction wouldn't wake him up ." S-Sure, we have to ask my mom though."

" Of course, we will stop by on the way, I think I also have an old swimsuit from when I was growing up in the RV if you want to change ?" Sophia beamed at the older girl and then took her hand leading her in the direction of the RV.

Passing her father on the way into the RV, Dale stops the girls," Well hello Ms. Sophia  how are you today ?"

Sophia looked up at Dale with a smile tucking herself into Lilian's side, too shy to speak.

" Sophia is joining Amy and me on our daily trip to the lake. We are having a girls day, right Soph?" Lilian put her arm around the younger girl who was nodding. Sophia was excited about the afternoon's events but wasn't used to expressing her opinion often.

" Wow! Isn't that fun, you girls have a good time - stay within yelling distance. "

Lilian smiles and hugs her dad promising they wont go far. Pulling Sophia into the RV she makes her way to the storage compartment that holds a few boxes of clothes. " Not sure why I still have it in here but it should fit you, the bathroom is over there if you want to get changed ." Handing Sophia the blue one-piece swimsuit, the younger girl goes into the restroom and changes.

Walking into the bedroom and digging around some hair ties she opens the door to see an excited Sophia sitting on the couch. " Do you want me to help you put your hair up before we go?"

Sophia shyly twiddled her hand and politely agreed, the older girl gestured for Sophia to sit on the floor in front of her.

The girls were filled with content by the quiet room, only the sounds of the hairbrush sweeping through Sophia's hair and the sound of hair ties snapping. Lilian softly pulled some of the younger hair up when suddenly something caught her eye, a dark painful looking bruise in the shape of a handprint on the backside of Sophia's neck causing her to suck on a sharp breath. She looked up and caught Sophia's eyes staring at her in the mirror on the wall across the room, " Sophia ? " she whispered.

Together -A Glenn Rhee FanficWhere stories live. Discover now