Chapter 8

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{A few days later}

Solar was now working in the theater, although no one actually came in, but he didn't necessarily mind, because it just meant he had to do less work, he was exhausted, he was running off of 10 minutes of sleep and 5% charge, he would most likely power off soon.

Ruin walks in, seeing Solar, who had his head leaning on his hand, he walked over to the counter, Solar not noticing it was Ruin

"Hey, welcome to the fazbear theater- oh, hey Ruin"
"Hello Solar!"
"What brings you here?"
"I just wanted to check in on you!"
"Sooo, are you doing alright?"
"S'pose I am"
"You suppose?"
"You sure?"
Solar powers off, his eyes went completely black as he did, his head falls onto the desk, Ruin sighed, carefully picking up Solar. He made his way to the back area where Solar normally slept, he gently sat him up against the wall, he plugs the charger in to the back of Solar's head. He sits next to Solar, he powers off, his head falling into Solar's shoulder

"Reject." Moon yelled, Solar looks up through tired eyes, he rested his head on his hand
"Any progress on Sun or are you still being useless?"
"Any progress on you being nice for once?"
"Shut up."
"Make me"
Moon raised his hand, Solar moves away as Moon swung his hand forward, it would've hit him if he hadn't moved, Moon growled in anger. He ran to Solar, who immediately started running, he was pulled back by Moon grabbing the necklace he'd gotten from Sun and pulling it back, Moon turned Solar around and pushed him to the ground, Moon had a wrench in his hand, he swung forward

Solar woke up with a sharp gasp, grasping at his shirt, his eyes wide in fear, his breathing rapid and heavy, shaking.
Ruin woke up, he sees Solar, he puts his hand on Solar's
"Hey, hey you're safe, Sol, you're okay"
Solar's eyes dart to Ruin
"It's just me darling, you're okay"
Solar calms down slightly
"Another bad dream?"
Solar nods, Ruin sighs, wrapping his arms around Solar's waist comfortingly
"I know you want to cry,Love, let it out, it's okay"
Solar sniffles, before breaking into tears, Ruin comforting him
"Shh...shh...its okay..."
Ruin strokes Solar's back, attempting to comfort him, Solar let's out choked, pained sobs, he eventually calms down, Ruin gently wipes the tears from Solar's cheeks, he kissed his forehead, caressing his cheek
"You okay now Sol?"
"...yeah...thank you..."
"No problem love"
The two get up, they walk to the daycare after Solar got a message from Moon saying someone was missing, due to his eyes being slightly blurry, as they always were after he'd cried so much, he couldn't make out who he'd said went missing, but he could tell who it was when he sees Sun, Lunar, Moon and Monty in the daycare.
Earth was missing.
Everyone knew that Solar and Earth had a good relationship, As Earth was the only one besides Ruin who Solar trusted with knowing his past, Solar had told Earth almost everything from his past, His Moon, his Monty, the endless bad names, the abuse, his Sun dying and it being completely his fault, or at least that's what Solar thought, and the nightmares it now caused him. Solar heard a voice, turning around, He saw a familiar silhouette run across the platform near the theater, he squints, trying to make out who it was, he recognized the silhouette but couldn't see who exactly it was. He sighs, looking back at everyone else who was just talking, he looks at Sun, then looks at the necklace he had around his neck, a small sun charm on the end, he looks at it, a hint of sadness in his eyes, God, how he missed his dear brother...he only wished he'd saved him...

{Using past names}
Eclipse sits in the mindscape, he sat in silence, not knowing what to do as he waited for Sun to return, Eclipse hears footsteps, he looks up, seeing a faint silhouette of Sun, he stood up, he ran to Sun, he scares him, hug-tackling him
"WOAH- Oh! There you are 'Clipsey!"
"Sooo, whatcha do today??"
"Eh, the usual, took care of the kids, cleaned up, blah blah blah, anyway, I have a gift for ya!"
"Really? question, what's a gift?"
"A gift is a thing given willingly to someone without payment, here!"
Sun pulls out a small box wrapped in yellow tissue paper, small Sun designs drawn onto it, Sun hands it to Eclipse
"Open it!"
Eclipse cautiously unfolds the tissue paper, not wanting to damage it, he sees a small black box, he opens it, inside, was a necklace with a Sun charm on the end of it
"Do you like it?" Sun asks, a huge smile on his face, his rays spinning lightly.
"Yeah, I love it, thank you"

Solar's eyes dart to Moon, who was trying to get his attention. The others staring at Solar in concern
"Oh uhm- yes?"
"One, are you alright, Two, can you go to that abandoned place we saved Ruin from and check if Earth is there?"
"Yeah I can"
"And the first one?"
"What do you mean?"
"My first question, you didn't answer it, Are you okay?"
"You sure? You've been sorta holding that necklace for the past 20 minutes"
Solar shoves the necklace under his shirt so it isn't visible, he sighs.

Solar and the others were making a plan, Solar went back to the theater to grab supplies, he found a bead bracelet Earth had made him, infact, he found multiple, he puts them on, one was rainbow, one was orange and black with his name in letter beads, one was the gay flag colors, one the asexual flag colors and the last one a 'BCE' bracelet, Earth had said it stood for 'Best Cousin Ever', Solar thought through all the times Earth had been there for him,all the times Earth had helped him through his problems.

If one thing was for sure, he was going to find Earth. Even if it killed him.

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